Dream Delilah - Part 1

by Lauren

(Just a note- this is part of a long story that i have been writing in a notepad. I will try to get it all onto the computer!)

Sarah Wellington walked into the grocery store with her mother. Sarah was twelve years old. She had a will of iron and an innumerable love for horses. She and her family lived on a large farm in Colorado. Here they raised many kinds of animals, but not a horse.

As Sarah and her mother headed out of the store, Mrs.Grant, a friend of her mother's, stopped them. In Sarah's way of thinking, Mrs. Grant was the most boring person on earth. Sarah quickly turned her attention away to a nearby group of men. She recognized one of the old, withered men, Tom Shanks. He was the Wellington's neighbor. Tom was also the cruel owner of Delilah, a beautiful, lively, palomino mare. The mare was young, about four. Tom starved the poor horse, and he also tried to ride her without success.

Then Sarah heard the words "I'm gonna have to take my old nag to some fancy stable while I go to Florida. The way mee-un's thinkin', they'll fatten her up for the slaughter house. I ain't got no money or no time for that worthless old nag no more."

Then Sarah, horrified at these words, quickly said "I'll take care of Delilah for you. You don't even have to pay me."

The old man grunted in agreement.

As Sarah and her mother walked out of the store, Sarah's mother said "I'm glad you stood up for that poor horse. I'd put the law on him if I could,but that horrid old man always has an excuse. Just don't let it get in the way of your chores or schoolwork."

The next day, Sarah woke up early, did her chores, and went down to Delilah's paddock. While she visited the mare,she called her friend Livve, on her cell phone that she bought with her hard-earned money. Livve took lessons at a faraway stable and went to the same school as Sarah. They where best friends. They agreed to go to Livve's house after school, then go to the local feed and tack shop. Sarah counted out enough of her money to buy feed, treats, a grooming kit, a halter, and a lead rope. After the speedy transactions where made, Sarah went to Delilah's pasture.

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Dream Delilah - Rewrite 1

by Lauren

Dream Delilah
By Lauren

Sarah Wellington walked into the grocery store with her mother. Sarah was twelve years old. She had a will of iron and an innumerable love for horses. Sarah also had a fiery temper, and was very impatient. She and her family lived on a large farm in Wyoming. Here they raised many animals, but not a horse.

Just as Sarah and her mother walked out of the store, Mrs. Grant, a friend of her mothers, stopped them. To Sarah’s way of thinking, Mrs. Grant was the most boring person on earth. She quickly turned her attention to a nearby group of men. She recognized one of the old, withered men as Tom Shanks. Tom Shanks was the Wellington’s neighbor. Tom was also the cruel owner of a beautiful, lively, palomino mare. The mare, which Sarah called Delilah, was young, about four. Mean old Tom starved the poor horse, and also tried to ride her without success.

Then Sarah heard the words “I’m gonna have to take my old nag to some fancy stable while I go to Florida. The way mee-uns’ thinkin’ they’ll fatten her up for the slaughter house. I ain’t got no money or no time for that worthless old nag anymore.”

Then Sarah, horrified at these words, spoke up, “I’ll take care of the horse for you. You don’t even need to pay me.”

The man grunted a half agreement, but Sarah didn’t care. As Sarah and her mother walked out of the store, Sarah’s mother said “I’m glad you’re taking care of a horse, but don’t let it get in the way of your school or chores.”

The next day Sarah woke up early, did her chores, and ran to Delilah’s pasture. She made a list of things she needed; lead rope, halter, treats, a grooming kit, and feed. Then Sarah went home, grabbed her wallet and backpack, and then boarded the bus. She greeted her friend, Livve. Livve loved horses too and took lessons at a faraway stable. The two girls planned to go to the feed shop after school and buy Delilah’s things.

Sarah walked into her classroom and sat at her desk. A crudely drawn picture of Raggedy Ann sat on it. She groaned. It was from Sasha, a girl who liked to make fun of Sarah’s frizzy, curly, red mop. Unfortunately, the two girls sat next to each other.

“Forget to brush your hair, Raggedy Ann?” “Look at those bangs!” Sasha whispered.
Sarah tossed her hair and stared ahead impassively. It wasn’t her fault her hair was so unruly. Whenever Sarah tried to brush it, her hair got incredibly frizzy. As for her bangs, they where simply uncontrollable.

Sarah made it through the rest of the school day by avoiding Sasha. Later, she met Livve at the feed shop.

Sarah knew that horse things where expensive, but even then she was surprised at the cost of supplies. After the speedy transactions where made, Sarah’s mother came to pick Sarah up. Then she ran to Delilah’s pasture.

Sarah gently slipped the halter over Delilah’s head. She knew that the mare had been halter trained, but that was it. Sarah led the mare in a circle, practiced turning, and then backing up. Delilah was a little rusty, but then she improved. Sarah stopped Delilah and let her rest while she thought. Delilah nuzzled her arm while Sarah thought “She’s so sweet with me. I could start training her right now.” And so she did. Sarah hunted around the barn for some rope, a long stick, and some baling twine.

The late afternoon heat was sweltering, and Sarah was amazed that there still was snow on the peaks of the Rocky Mountains.Soon she found them. Sarah braided the twine and tied it to stick. A training whip! Then she tied the rope to Delilah’s halter. A lunge line. Sarah knew that she would have to buy true supplies, but these would work for now.

Sarah stepped back from Delilah, and then flicked the whip in the air. Delilah didn’t notice it. Sarah flicked it harder. The mare started moving. But, she was moving towards Sarah! Sarah pointed the whip at Delilah, and the mare moved away into perfect circles. Next, Sarah put the whip in front of Delilah and said “Whoa”. Delilah stopped. Then the excited girl resumed her position, flicked the whip, and clicked her toungue.Delilah trotted around Sarah. Sarah almost got lost in the world of a girl and a horse. She admired Delilah’s long, smooth, flowing trot. Delilah’s yellow coat shone in the sun and her creamy white mane bounced with her stride. Her concave face showed the purity and gentleness of her Arabian ancestors. What a horse!
The next day, Sarah tied Delilah to the fence and picked out her hooves with a stick. Sarah would have to buy a hoof pick the next time she bought feed. After she was finished, Sarah feed Delilah. She thought about how great the horse was looking already. Sarah had started out slow with the feed, for the mare was used to small or no rations. But now Delilah was eating a full portion, and enjoying it. Sarah was tight on feed and money. Sitting on the fence, she wrote this in a notebook.
$4,900 = total present
$4,000 = for a horse
$500 = for emergencies
That left her four hundred dollars.Even Sarah knew that in the horse world, the money would not last long.
Sarah went home, grabbed her bike, and a garbage sack. As she rode along the neighboring back roads, Sarah picked up cans. Luckily for her, there where quite a few cans. Enough for a hoof pick, training whip, and lunge line. The next day as Sarah walked into the feed store, she saw the next thing she needed to buy-a riding helmet. It cost thirty-five dollars. Sarah mentally calculated that thirty – five dollars equaled two evenings of baby-sitting, and a whole Saturday of canning.
By Saturday, Sarah had her goal plus eleven dollars extra. Her wide-eyed little sisters watched as Sarah hoarded the extra money into her riding boot fund.
“You’re an old Moneybags!” eight year old Rosie said
“Yeah!” chimed in six year old Jess.
Sarah just smiled. If only they knew the work and hope that had been put into that money.
Sasha was waiting for Sarah at her desk that morning. Mr. Raymund, the teacher was late and all of the class was in place.
“Look at Sarah’s hair, everyone!” Sasha crowed. “Hey, horsie, did you forget to brush your mane this morning?”
The class laughed uproariously except for a few people, Livve one of them.
Sarah blushed furiously.
“Oh! I just love horses so much!” Sasha imitated “I’ve been training Delilah all by myself!”
Sarah glared at Sasha. Suddenly, her temper erupted.
“Yes, I do love horses, Sasha!” she shouted.
The silence was shocking. Sasha looked embarrassed and sat down. Sarah did, too.
A minute later, Mr. Raymund came in.
“My, my, such quiet students.” he commented. Sarah blushed, knowing that they were silent not because they had been good.
But, Sasha never said a word to Sarah after that.

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Dream Delilah - Part 2

by Lauren

Sarah Wellington walked to Delilah's pasture with her new purchases. She knew that the beautiful, young, spirited palomino mare was halter trained, but that was it. Sarah gently slipped the halter over Delilah's head. She clicked her tongue, and gently tugged at the lead rope. Delilah moved forward obediently.

After they walked around for some time, Sarah stopped. Delilah nuzzled Sarah's elbow while she thought.

"She's so gentle with me. I could start training her right now."

So Sarah looked around for some rope. Then she found a stick and some baling twine. Sarah tied the twine to the end of the stick. An instant training whip! Then she tightly tied the rope to Delilah's halter. A lunge line! Sarah knew that she would have to buy some real lunge lines and training whips, but these would make do for now.

Sarah stepped away from Delilah, then flicked the whip in the air. Delilah didn't notice it. Sarah flicked it harder. Then the mare started moving. But, she was moving towards Sarah! Sarah pointed the whip at Delilah, and she moved away, in perfect circles. Then Sarah placed the whip in front of Delilah and said "Whoa". Delilah stopped. Then the excited girl resumed her position, flicked the whip and clicked her tongue.

Delilah trotted around Sarah. Sarah almost got lost in the world of a girl and a horse. She admired Delilah's long, smooth and flowing trot. Delilah's yellow coat shone in the sun and her creamy white mane bounced with her stride. Her concave face showed the purity and gentleness of her Arabian ancestors.

What a horse!

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Dream Delilah - Part 3

by Lauren

The next day, Sarah tied Delilah to the fence and picked out her hooves with a stick. Sarah would have to buy a hoof pick the next time she bought feed. She thought about how great the horse was looking already. Sarah had started out slow with the feed, for the mare was used to little or no rations. But, now Delilah was eating a full portion, and enjoying it. Sarah was tight on feed and money. Sitting on the fence, she wrote this in her notebook.

$4,900 = total present
$4,000 = for a horse
$500 = for emergencies

That left her four hundred dollars. and even Sarah knew that in the horse world, four hundred dollars would not last long.

Sarah went home and grabbed her bike some garbage sacks. She rode along the neighboring back roads, picking up aluminum cans. Luckily for her, there where a lot of cans. Enough to buy a lunge line, training whip, hoof pick, and some more feed.

The next day as Sarah walked into the feed shop, she saw the next thing she needed to buy. A riding helmet. It was thirty-five dollars. Sarah mentally calculated that thirty-five dollars equaled two evenings of baby-sitting and a whole Saturday of canning.

By Saturday, Sarah had her goal plus eleven extra dollars. Her wide-eyed little sisters watched as Sarah hoarded the money into her riding boots fund.

"You're an old Moneybags!" Eight-year-old Rosie said.

"Yeah!" Six-year-old Lily chimed in.

Sarah just smiled. If only they knew the work and hope that had been put into that money.

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Dream Delilah - Part 4

by Lauren

The next day Sarah went to the feed shop again and bought her helmet. Then a flyer caught her eye.
Only twice used full Western tack set for $75.

There was a picture underneath the tack. Sarah could see that it was extremely dirty, but in good shape. She bought some saddle soap and jotted down the phone number.

A week later, Sarah was cleaning some very dirty tack. But when it was clean, it looked brand new. After washing the bridle, Sarah introduced the bit to Delilah.

At first, Delilah shook her head and tried to get rid of the bit. But after a while, the pretty palomino settled down and poked at the bit with her tongue. Sarah detached the reins and clipped on the lunge line, using the bit and voice commands to steer Delilah.

A few days later, when Delilah was thoroughly used to the bridle, Sarah introduced the saddle.

First, she put the saddle on the fence rail and let Delilah sniff it. Second, Sarah slid the soft, thick, striped saddle blanket onto Delilah's back. The calm horse curiously turned her head, but otherwise accepted the small weight.

Third, Sarah gingerly lowered the saddle onto Delilah's back. The disgruntled palomino snorted, pranced, and arched her back, but soon settled down with a treat and Sarah's soothing words.

Sarah slowly drew up the cinch so it would not pinch the mare's sensitive skin. Once Sarah soothed the horse, she clipped on the lunge line and got Delilah moving. The pretty, gentle, sweet, palomino was alert and inquisitive for signals. She obeyed commands almost instantly.

A week later, Sarah hefted a fifty-pound sand back onto Delilah's saddle. Delilah fidgeted, but accepted the weight. Sarah heaved another sandbag onto the saddle, and Delilah calmly accepted the new weight. Rubbing her aching arms, Sarah tied the bags onto the saddle as securely as possible. Now she was ready to lunge Delilah.

At first, Delilah moved awkwardly with the new weight, but soon it was a pleasure to see horse and sack trotting.

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Dream Delilah - Part 5

by Lauren

The next day Sarah went to the feed shop again and bought her helmet. Then a flyer caught her eye.

Only twice used full Western tack set, $75.
The ad had a picture of the tack. Sarah could see that is was very dirty, but in excellent shape. She bought some saddle soap and jotted down the phone number.

A week later, Sarah was cleaning some very dirty tack. But when it was clean, it looked brand new. After cleaning and washing the tack, Sarah introduced Delilah to the bit. At first, Delilah shook her head and tried to get rid of the bit. But after a while, Delilah calmed down and poked at the bit with her tongue. Sarah detached the reins, then clipped on the lunge line, using the bit with her voice commands. A few days later, after Delilah was thoroughly used to the bridle, Sarah introduced the saddle to Delilah.

First, she put the saddle on the fence rail and let Delilah sniff it. Then she gently slid the soft, thick, striped saddle blanket onto Delilah?s back. The calm horse curiously turned her head, but accepted the small weight. Third, Sarah gingerly lowered the saddle onto Delilah?s back. The disgruntled palomino snorted, pranced, and arched her back, but she soon settled down with a treat and Sarah?s soothing words. Sarah slowly drew up the cinch, so then it would not pinch the mare?s sensitive skin. Once Sarah soothed the horse, she clipped the lunge line to Delilah?s halter and got her moving. The pretty palomino was alert and inquisitive for any signals, and she obeyed almost instantly.

A week later, Sarah hefted a fifty pound sand bag onto Delilah?s saddle. Delilah fidgeted, but otherwise accepted the weight. Sarah heaved another sand bag onto the saddle, and Delilah calmly accepted the new weight. Rubbing her aching arms, Sarah tied the sandbags onto the saddle as securely as possible. Now she was ready to lunge Delilah.

At first, Delilah moved awkwardly with the new weight, but soon it was a pleasure to see the horse and sack trotting.

Sarah continued this routine for three more days, and then she decided to give Delilah a break. Sarah had some money making to do. She was close to her goal of eighty-five dollars for boots; soon Delilah would need shoeing, as well as a dental check-up. Sarah babysat for three hours, collected four sacks of cans, and helped an elderly neighbor clean up around her farm. The next day after school, Sarah and Livve went to the feed shop. There they bought Sarah?s cowboy boots, more feed, and looked at horse magazines and books. Afterwards, they went to Delilah?s pasture. Sarah and Livve tacked up Delilah, and then led her to a tall pile of concrete blocks at the far end of the pasture. Livve took the reins near the bridle and held Delilah while Sarah climbed the pile. From her perch above Delilah, Sarah slid gently into the saddle without using the stirrups. Sarah would get Delilah used to being mounted from the ground later. Delilah snorted, pranced, and arched her back, but soon settled down.

Livve clipped the lunge line to Delilah?s bridle. Sarah lifted the reins, squeezed gently with her legs, and clicked her tongue. Delilah moved off at a sedate walk. Sarah was super excited, but she tried to feel calm, sit up straight, keep her heels down, and move with the flow of the horse. When Sarah felt she was ready to trot, she squeezed a bit harder with her legs. Delilah walked faster, but didn't trot. Sarah gave Delilah a tiny nudge with her heels. That got Delilah going. The beautiful horse moved off into her smooth, easy, flowing trot. Now this was harder. Sarah had to sit up straight, but yet move with the flow of Delilah and keep balanced. Then Sarah put her weight into her heels, pulled back on the reins VERY gently, and said ?Whoa!? Delilah stopped. The girls praised Delilah. Next, Livve took the reins while Sarah freed her feet from the stirrups, brought her right leg around, and slipped neatly to the ground. Delilah turned her head curiously, but remained still. Praising and murmuring soothing words all the while, Sarah practiced mounting and dismounting on her own and from the ground. At first, Delilah would fidget, but then she remained still.

The next day, Sarah and Delilah practiced turning. Livve brought bright orange plastic cones. She spaced them into a line. Sarah and Delilah wove around them. Sarah made Delilah turn by lightly pressing with her leg in the way she wanted to go, and moving the reins to either side of Delilah?s golden neck. Sarah knew Delilah was a quick learner, but this was amazing. At only the second run, the horse acted like an experienced expert instead of a green horse.

As Sarah untacked Delilah, she wondered about Tom Shanks. He had been gone almost a month. Tom said he would be gone about a month. Startled, Sarah was hit by a sudden thought. When Tom saw that Delilah was trained, he might try to sell her for big money, more than Sarah could afford. Sarah decided she would keep Delilah?s training a secret, and offer Tom money, and Delilah would be HERS! Sarah quickly thought it over- she could offer Tom three thousand dollars- more than the slaughterhouse would pay. It was practically fool proof. Later that afternoon, Sarah scheduled a farrier visit. If Sarah was going to ride Delilah, the horse would need shoeing every eight weeks. It would cost $120. Thinking some more, Sarah called the horse dentist. Another $120, but it was only once a year.

Delilah had been good for her appointments, and Sarah showered her with praise. The next day, Sarah decided to ride up an old hunting path. To her surprise, there where many aluminum cans there. She picked them up. ?Every penny counts,? Sarah thought. The girl ran home. That evening, as Sarah sank into bed, she thought about Tom. He would be home very soon. The next morning, Sarah ran gleefully to Delilah?s pasture. As she burst from the trees, Sarah stopped, stared, and gasped. There, in the driveway, was a big white truck. It read on the side ?HappiPet Dog Food Co.? Sarah saw a handler dressed in white try to jerk Delilah up the ramp. Then he smacked Delilah. HARD. Delilah bucked out, but the handler kept his grip on her.

?NO!? Sarah screamed. Hearing Sarah?s voice, Delilah broke away, and galloped to Sarah. Sarah vaulted onto Delilah?s back. The handlers ran after Delilah, trying to snatch her halter.

?Stop! Thief!? they yelled.

?No! She?s mine!! ? I?m buying her!? Sarah yelled back. Then one of the handlers got the rope. Delilah reared. Sarah struggled to stay on, and threw her weight forward, forcing Delilah down. With a final jerk, Delilah got away. But, the girl on top of her sailed through the air, red hair flying. Sarah hit the hard ground straight on her head. She lay there, unconscious, her ruddy face unusually pale. Delilah let out a long, low, sad whinny.

Sarah?s dad, John Wellington, was working outside when he heard his daughter?s screams. He started running as fast as he could. John saw everything- the desperate battle, and his daughter falling off the horse and hitting her head. He saw Delilah standing over Sarah, the horse?s muzzle pressed against the girl?s heart.

Soon, an ambulance roared up the gravel lane, sirens screaming and dust flying. Delilah tried to follow the stretcher into the ambulance, but John pulled her away.

?How much did you pay for this horse?? he inquired.

?Two thousand.? was the handler?s gruff reply.

?I?ll buy her for four thousand.? ?You have my word for it. Put her in with my sheep at that house.? John pointed.

Then he ran to the ambulance.

Three hours later, Sarah woke up to find herself alone in a hospital room. She tried to get up, but was forced back down by a sharp dizziness in her head. Her memory quickly dawned upon her. Too quickly. Delilah was going to be made into dog food!

Sarah started crying and screaming.

?No! No! I won?t let her go!? Then a doctor, a nurse, and her parents burst into the room.

?Honey, everything?s all right. The horse is safe. In fact, she?s yours now.

Instantly Sarah stopped crying, and then started again with happiness.

?I need to go home!? Sarah announced.
The doctor spoke up.

?I?m sorry to say this, but you need to stay in the hospital another day.?

Sarah groaned.

?Oh, well she thought. I might as well get better while I?m here.?

And the next day Sarah was better. She gladly went home. Sarah ran out to the pasture Delilah was standing at the gate, seeming to be waiting and just as beautiful as ever. But now Delilah was even more beautiful than ever, for she was Sarah?s.

When Delilah saw Sarah, she whinnied and ran about the pasture.

Laughing, Sarah joined the horse.


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