Comments for Wild Brumby horse art by hoofbeats

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Jun 01, 2017
I love them
by: CC

Hoofbeats, I love your drawings and here is what I rate them:

1st one- 9
2nd one- 5
3rd one- 10
4th one- 8

Thanks for sharing your drawings!

Jun 01, 2017
by: AHorseLovingGirl

I would rate your art a six. Six really isn't too bad! Yes, you could improve, but everyone can, can't they? I think you just need more practice, but other than that, it seems you have most the basics down to drawing a horse.

TIP: If you have any model horses, such as Breyer or Schleich, use those as a reference. They usually have quite a lot of detail, so it will help you with proportions, those tiny details, and anything else you can think of when it comes to drawing a horse. When I did that, my horse turned out really good, so now I recommend it to anyone who wants to draw amazing horses!

If you don't have any model horses, you can always search them up online and use pictures of them, too.

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