Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

by Riley

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This game is awesome!

You are Spirit and your herd has scattered. You run around doing different favors, slowly gaining back your herd. All the time you are nursing Rain back to health and trying not to get roped.

Super fun game!

Note: if you are looking for the movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron you will find it on our list of horse movies.

Comments for Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

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Dec 10, 2017
Spirit game.
by: Anonymous

I am soooooo happy that they made a game of this movie! I love Spirit stallion of the Cimmaron and am super excited about this game! Want it!

Jun 30, 2016
OMG cool
by: Anonymous

I had no idea they had made a game! And they are making a new TV show, it will be realised in 2017! Yea!

May 22, 2016
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron: Forever Free
by: Makena

This game is great for horse and Spirit lovers! I really like it.

Basically, I think it was a storm that scattered the herd, and a ton of people captured the horses so they're scattered all over and you have to save everyone and bring them back. You play as Spirit and also help others.

Rain is sick and you have to bring her food and water till she gets better. I think the graphics are just beautiful! This game is a bit hard to find unfortunately. Look on Ebay, and Amazon, if you find it, be sure to get it!!!

May 04, 2014
are they really making a second movie
by: Anonymous

are they really making a second movie?

Apr 10, 2014
by: M.k

I love spirit! go to their website its awesome.

Dec 16, 2013
by: horselove

I love spirit the stallion I wish I had the movie. I also lover horse and draw them too.

Dec 12, 2012
this awesome!!!!
by: Anonymous

i never knew they made a game. i love the movie, i even have the action figures. it sounds like fun. if it's as nearly as good as the movie it should be great!!

Feb 18, 2012
No way!
by: horsepal

No way!!!! I never knew there was a game because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the movie. I haven't played it before but i'm sure it's AWESOME!! The movie is so sad at some parts and at the end it is soooo happy. Can't stop wacthing it. I'm soooooooooo sure the game will be awesome as well.

Jan 20, 2012
Best Game Ever!
by: SpiritLover:D

Best Game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Have It And I Have Played It A MILLION Times!

Dec 13, 2011
There's a game?
by: CuteHorse

There's a game??? I have to get it! This movie is one of the best! I LOVE L-O-V-E <3 it!!!
The movie is awesome!

Nov 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

Ok, I love this movie! It is the best movie ever made, but will there ever be a second one? I hope so but I really need to know A.S.A.P.!! Please answer me.. If you know atleast. Spirit needs a second one because it is just not finished yet! Him and Rain need a story with a baby, and who is Spirit's father? I also wanna know that too!

Aug 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

the first time you play it is awesome and challenging but after you beat it it's kinda boring, but if you like a game where you are figuring out how to save the horses of homeland u would like it, i did!

Feb 06, 2011
Spirit game
by: Sydney

It's a fun game but to your question spiritfan - you have to buy it, it's not a game you download. I haven't played it in while but it was fun and pretty challenging.

Jan 24, 2011
never played it but already love it
by: spiritfan19962

i have never played this before but i already give it 5 stars. can you download it? please answer right away. i absolutely LOVE this movie and i can't find any other spirit games so i basically NEED the answer A.S.A.P.

Apr 10, 2010
by: Megan

Spirit is a lot of fun but after you complete the game it can get really dull. I love this game so much but I rarely play it. I think it would be a great game to just relax with. It's not too challenging.

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