Keeping Barney

by Heartbeatforhorses

Keeping Barney - Book One

Keeping Barney - Book One

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I love Keeping Barney! It's very sweet and one of my favourites. The book is about a girl named Sarah and she really wants a horse. So she finds a free lease. It's about her and Barney's adventures. Barney is really crazy acting at times so it makes it really exciting. I read the book in two days.

From Amazon:

Sarah Miles wants a horse more than anything. Now that she and her parents have moved from the city to a farm in Vermont, she’s closer than ever to getting her wish. She already has her eye on a half-Morgan gelding named Barney—she just has to work up the courage to ask Mom and Dad if she can take him while his owner is away at college. He can jump and drive and barrel race, and he and his owner, Missy, have won bushels of ribbons. Sarah’s thrilled when her parents say yes . . . on the condition that Sarah is fully accountable for his care.

But Barney has his own way of doing things and doesn’t like to be disciplined. He snorts at Sarah. Ignores her instructions. Runs off. Yet in spite of everything, Barney’s starting to grow on Sarah. But when his owner returns, will she lose the horse she loves?

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Oct 30, 2015
Sounds good!
by: Sydney from

Thanks for telling us about this book. I am looking forward to reading it!

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