Gathering Storm - Part 1

by by Abbie (call me Reese)
(Colorado, USA)

Silverdust, Reese's mare

Silverdust, Reese's mare

It began one dark, silent night. Arriving late from the stables where Reese had boarded her mare, Silverdust, she clumped up the stairwell in her jodhpurs. Tears streamed down her face. She recently just put down Silverdust from a bout of colic. Her intestines had twisted, and there was no way for the vet to rush her to the animal operational clinic several hundred miles away. Or save her.

Reese closed her eyes and stood still, clutching the hand rail to her right. An image of the prancing, lively dapple gray Arabian flooded her mind. She would never love another horse again. Never. The young mare was only four years old, but had been there for Reese when ever she had needed her. Like her mom's death. Reese sighed and slipped up into the gloomy atmosphere of her room. Not even bothering to undress, she flipped onto her bed and fell into a troubled sleep. Her dreams haunted her with visions of her mare falling into a deep crevice of water. In her dream she struggled to pull her horse out, but Silverdust was drowning in the blackness. She awoke later to a commotion down stairs. Her father was yelling at her grandmother, talking about his daughter's "dangerous mare."

"Why did you give it to her?!?!" Her grandmother listened quietly, as it never was her style to argue. Then she replied calmly, which was difficult in her son-in-law's presence, "Silverdust did not kill Reese's mother. The fall was just a bit of bad luck. I think we should get her another horse. She was so attached to the mare! She loved her!"

Her father angrily replied back, "Bad luck! Bah! It landed on my wife!" Reese turned over angrily, flinching at the words. He had always hated Silverdust. Soon, the yells turned to murmurs, and she fell asleep again. She awoke when the house was completely dark. Then Reese heard a tap outside her window.

What do you think of part one? It is going to get exciting in part two! Look for it! If you don't want me to continue, though, let me know what was wrong! You can visit my site about horses at, if you want.

Note: the image does not belong to me.

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Gathering Storm - Part 2

by Abbie (Reese)
(Colorado, USA)

Gathering Storm

Gathering Storm

Reese cautiously slipped out of bed, stepping on silent feet toward the window. Throwing the curtains back, she gasped and stepped back in alarm. Standing in a pool of silver moonlight was a stunning pinto stallion. His white mane flashed magically, his whinny a deep, handsome bellow. He was the most beautiful horse Reese had ever seen, besides Silverdust. She felt a pang of sorrow in her heart, but she pushed it away. Suddenly, the piebald spoke to her.

"Hello. Do not be afraid of me! Silverdust has told me about you. She is still alive! The doctor who took her away lied to you. She is the notorious Jadius, queen of the darker ages. She kidnaps magical horses like Silverdust and myself, greedily using their powers. Hurry! We must save her before...before it's to late."

"What? She's still alive? What do you mean?" Reese replied, hardly daring to believe her ears.

"If we don't rescue her, she will die. Climb onto my back; there is no time! By the way, my name is Gathering Storm." he hastily added.

"But why didn't she tell me?" asked Reese, stepping lightly onto his back.

"She was probably trying to protect you; if you had know, Jadius would hurt you trying to take her away. Now hang on tight!" quickly, he galloped into the air. A magical silver mist surrounded them, enveloping them in a hazy sort of cloud. Clutching tight to his mane, Reese leaned forward over his withers. His smooth black and white coat bunched as he galloped along at a blinding pace. Finally, Reese spoke again, but to her surprise she didn't have to shout to be heard over the wind.

"Where are we going, Stormy?"

Gathering Storm groaned good-naturedly, then whinnied back, "Don't call me Stormy! So undignified! Anyway, we are going to the Land of Fire and Ice, Jadius's realm. There, she will be preparing to steal Silverdust's powers. We may have a chance to save her there." Suddenly, he alighted ipon a barren, desolate land. The realm of Jadius.

Okay, here's the second part! What do you think of it?

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