
by Kakel
(BC, Canada)

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You compete in dressage, cross country, and show jumping. You ride in different places like Kentucky, Badminton Trails, Burgly, and Sydney. You also get to decide which horse you ride and which rider you want to be. If you practice hard enough, you can win trophies in the championship. I like show jumping the best. The cross country courses are really hard but I still recommend it!

Equestriad is amazing!

Comments for Equestriad

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Apr 08, 2017
Loved it!
by: Anonymous

For a game that has no horse care and is purely competing, it's great! It's an old game so graphics are not great but it's an addictive game to play :-)

It has great realistic fences, the same as in real life. The weather also changes and horses get tired if you gallop for too long without a break, very realistic in that way and jump timing is key.

Overall, great game if you don't mind not having the horse care side of things.

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