Dangerous Summer 3

by Josie
(Bowman, ND )

Dangerous Summer 3 by Eli B. Toresen

Dangerous Summer 3 by Eli B. Toresen

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Rachel is not happy. She really doesn't like her mom's new husband, and the fact that her best friend, Bethany, is going to get her own horse isn't improving her mood. Rachel knows she should be happy for her, and she is, but at the same time can't help feeling jealous.

For as long as she had remembered Rachel had dreamed of having a horse of her own. Her Dad had promised her a horse for her 13th birthday but that was before the family split up...

But Rachel forgets her own problems when her Mom becomes a robbery victim. Before she knows it, Rachel and Bethany are deeply involved in the case, and heading strait towards trouble...

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Mar 07, 2016
sounds interesting
by: Sydney from HorseCrazyGirls.com

I hadn't heard of this series before. I will have to check it out. Thanks for letting us know!

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