Circle C Adventures

by Andria

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I love this series! It is historic fiction and really exciting. It's about a girl that lives on a ranch and has a horse named Taffy.

There are 5 books. The first is THE LONG RIDE HOME: it is about a girl Andrea Carter runs away from home with her horse Taffy and someone steals her horse and she gets hit in the head and knocked out. Then Andrea has to be a snoopy rich girl's maid and finds out that she has Taffy!

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Nov 11, 2021
These books are awesome!!!
by: Bailey The Horse Lover

I really recommend these books! They are exciting and I really enjoy them.

Jul 08, 2015
Andi Carter
by: livelovehorses

I love these books! I love the blog too! Have any of you guys heard of the Circle C Milestones? It's new Circle C book with Andi as a teen.

Jan 01, 2015
Andi's Blog
by: Katniss

Those books are my favorite!! Did you know that the author has a blog for these books?? Here is the link for Andi's Blog.

Circlecadventures.blogspot.casign in


May 28, 2013
The best books!
by: Sam

These books are the best ever! I will often read one of them and feel like reading it again right after I finish [which I often do]! They are adventurous and full of action!

Nov 22, 2011
by: cool

I love the Circle C Adventures. I own them. My sister has Circle C Beginnings.

Nov 06, 2011
The Long Ride Home(1 of 6)
by: Rose Kinniburgh

This series is full of great, interesting books. I own the whole series, and there are six of them. I loaned them to some of my friends, and one of them bought the series, too! Sometimes they really got my heart thumping! There also is another series of her when she is younger, if you got little sisters or just want to read them yourself. I have never read them, but my friend's lil sister has I think three, and I'm pretty sure liked them.

Feb 08, 2011
Awesome book!
by: Rebekah

You've read those books? that's awesome, because I've read every one but I think there are actually six books.

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