Born to Trot

by Lucy
(Newburyport, MA)

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This book is really awesome. It is about a horse named Rosalind that is really born to trot and it is by Marguerite Henry.

A boy enters her in the Driving Championship to trot. I don't want to tell you the rest because it wouldn't be a surprise!

From Amazon:

Gibson can hear the beat of the horses' hooves against the track. Trotter are the world to him.
But all he ever does is practice. He's still too young and inexperienced to drive in a real race. Only he knows he's ready for the big league. If people would give him a chance, then they would know it, too.

Gib's chance comes in a filly named Rosalind. Now Gib can prove that he's man enough to train a champion. But does he really have what it takes? Can he and Rosalind go all the way to win the Hambletonian, the greatest race of all?

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Feb 20, 2024
I love this book!
by: Anonymous

Personally, I am so surprised that there is like no one who wrote a review on this book. I love this book and all of Marguerite Henry's!! If you haven't read this book, then I would recomend! It's a story about this boy named Gibson who really wants to do a Trotter's Race. But he is too young and inexperienced for any one to take him seriously. Then an amazing change slips through for him. Read this book to see what happens!

Mar 04, 2013
Born to Trot
by: Anonymous

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