The Quicksand Pony

by Sienna
(Nowra, NSW, Australia)

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I just bought this book called The Quicksand Pony... and I'll give you a review as soon as I read it!

From Amazon:

Biddy, I'm sorry, we're going to have to leave her.' 'What?' Biddy struggles out of the quicksand. 'You can't leave her! The tide's coming in. She'll drown!' But the pony is trapped and Biddy is forced to go on without her.

The next day the only signs of Bella are hoof prints in the sand...with small footprints and the paw marks of a dog. Who has rescued Bella? Who could be so small and be alone on this remote beach?

Biddy's search takes her into wild secret country where she discovers the truth about a mysterious disappearance that happened many years ago.

Alison Lester's picture books are loved by families around the world. In this gripping adventure story, set in the Australian bush she knows so well, she comes into her own as a writer and a born storyteller.

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Nov 26, 2012
So sad!!
by: sienna

This book is technically about 2 things. It starts off with a mother and a abandoning home and live for nine years in the bush. But back on the mainland Bella is drowning in quicksand and they have to abandon her. The boys mum dies and............ well you have to read it yourself!!!!

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