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Feb 17, 2011
by: Hannah

really!? thank you! no one has ever used my ideas! post some pics!

Oct 30, 2010
Great Idea!
by: Morgyn

Hi Hannah. I've read over your suggestions, and I decided to dress up as the fairy and unicorn. I even have a horn for Star that my mum made out of a twisted candle stick!

Thank you very much Hannah!

Oct 04, 2010
by: Hannah

I have done many contests where dressing up is necessary with my horse and so here are some quick and easy to do ideas that I have used:

1. Fairy and unicorn (after all star sounds like a beautiful horse)

2. War native Americans (wear feathers, beads etc. Get a normal bottle of paint and paint war signs on star. You can find these symbols on Google.) also the paint will wash off with a quick bath.

3. Princess on her beautiful horse (a pretty ball gown based dress idea, sparkles, glitter, make-up curled hair. Braid stars mane. Add glitter.)

4. A stylish cowgirl! (show off your true inner- cowgirl)

5. Trick rider (dress as a trick rider would and show off your skills.

Well, that's all that comes to mind right now. Write back if anything helped.

Sep 29, 2010
by: Alex

You could be a witch and make Star look really dusty and make her tail and mane look like a broom stick!

Sep 05, 2010
What about.......
by: Anonymous

What about... you could be a forest fairy, and Star could be dressed up with a white unicorn horn with leaves twisted around it. And you could be dressed in a costume that looks like there's real leaves on it!

Please write back if it's any good!

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