Pepper and Me - Part 1

by Jenna Clark
(Perth, WA)

Pepper and Me

Pepper and Me

This is Part 1

As I stepped out into the cool morning air I knew I had to go see my appaloosa. I walked down to the stable where she was, my dog Pip following me and I felt really excited. Today was the day that I was going for my first trail ride ever with my best friend Freya and her stallion, Blackie.

I walked up to Pepper and petted her. “Hey girl! Ready to go for a trail ride today?” I said. Pepper whinnied. I gave her breakfast and some water and went to the kitchen. “Morning Haley”! My mum said. “Morning”! I said. “Would you like eggs on toast or a pop tart?” my mum asked. “A pop tart please!” I replied.

I gave Pip his breakfast and after I had my breakfast I ran up to my room and put on my jodhpurs, boots and a lime t-shirt. I grabbed my helmet, said goodbye to my dad, kissed my mum and ran to the stables with Pip running after me. When I got there I was surprised to see Freya there with Blackie all saddled up. “Hey Freya!” I said. “Hi!” She said. “Ready to go?” “Not yet.” I replied. “I’ve still got to saddle up Pepper.”

So I saddled up Pepper, clipped on my helmet and jumped on her back. “Ok.” I said. “Let’s go.”
We went through Galley Wood, passed Rose Stream and on to a dirt path through Fern Forest. “Ahhhh, country air.” Freya said. “It smells like, well, country air!”

We both laughed and Pip barked. “Hey Freya”, I said “Race you to Bullrout Barn”! We both started to trot, canter and then gallop. I would have beaten Freya, but Pepper stopped to do her business. Yuck! We rode back to my house and I stabled Pepper. “Bye Freya”! I waved and Freya waved back and then galloped off. I gave Pepper dinner and walked up to the kitchen. “Mum! I’m home!” I yelled.

“I’m in the laundry honey!” my mum yelled back. I walked into the laundry and started telling my mum all about my trail ride. “So I saddled up Pepper and…

Half an hour later…

“I can see you’ve had a really fun time today” my mum said. “You must have ridden up an appetite with Pip. Guess what I made for dinner!” “What?” I said. “Roast chicken and salad! Your favourite!” said my mum. I tipped some meat into Pips bowl and he hungrily gobbled it up. I sat down at the table and started eating. Then I had a shower and went to bed.

Ruff! I woke up to Pip barking. I looked at the clock. It said 12:00. Just then I heard Pepper stamping and whinnying. I ran to the window and saw two dark figures jumping into a truck with a float attached right in front of Pepper's paddock. I gasped.

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Oct 19, 2013
by: Kristina

Wow!!!!:D When is Part 2? I love this story! Let me know when Part 2 is out! This is so inspiring and I have written 3 chapters of Born Victorious- please check them out. Awesome!!!!!!!!!

Oct 01, 2013
by: Jenna Clark

Thanks a lot guys you have inspired me to write more stories. The second part is coming out now ok! I have also written "The Ghost Horse."

May 19, 2013
by: Molly

ok so let's see umm well I love your story its the coolest story i have ever read in my life and you have inspired me to right my own story thanks yours is great.

Mar 21, 2013
by: Elizabeth

I like it but you are rushing the story a little. But anyways you got me hooked!

Mar 15, 2013
by: reina

Okay, pretty good so far. Just one thing or two when you say I gave her breakfast. And or dinner say I fed her oats and grain. Plus like others even me you jump a head quickly. You are rushing the story.

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