by Carrigan
(B.C. Canada)
The clouds had been starting to clear up, to be a good day as I led the Grey Arabian 14 hh pony who I leased into the mushy turf arena. I watched the other horses and riders sore over huge jumps and obstacles.
'Someday I want to do that' I told my self rubbing the Grey Arabian or Misty's smooth Grey shoulder. I could jump small walls but nothing like that.
"Watch it McClur!" Karly spat leading HER beauty black Morgan horse into the arena. Karly isn't the nicest girl ever. Actually there isn't one part of nice in her. Karly's snobby and self centered. Besides for her best friend Zoe but Zoe's not nice either.
I rolled my eyes as I led Misty behind Karly and her horse. I scanned the arena for any hope that my friend Stephanie was riding today.
I let my self bounce up into the smooth leather saddle on Misty's back. I gave Misty a shoulder pat before collection my reins and letting Misty into a smooth even warm up walk. I adjusted the numbers on my back and put my sleek new show boots in the silver iron stirrups.
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by Carrigan
(BC Canada)
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I placed the heavy leather western saddle of the rack and let out a groan of pain as I rubbed my elbow, I defiantly forgot how heavy the saddles were. I rubbed my fingers on the cantle of the beautiful saddle, the golden name plate said "Karly M."
I couldn't believe I had to work for her, well, I worked for the stable that provided service for Karly. I probably dozed off into la-la land because a shrill and sharp voice snapped me back to reality.
"I said I wanted that cleaned, DON'T you ever listen!" Karly hissed placing her hands on her hips and slipping back her blonde hair. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to be Karly, probably great. She was the richest sixth grader in Glen County, "Just clean that before you go McClur," Karly said with a wave of her hand she was gone from the tack room. I went to reach for the door but when my eyes looked up a large poster was there, it read:
"Glen County Horse Camp! Three weeks of horsey camp for you and your four legged friend! Held at Giddy' Up Riding School from April- August! Don't miss out to work with the state's best riding coaches from Western, Racing, to English! See ya there Pals!"
I oohed over the picture of a girl and her beautiful pinto mare soaring over a large Liverpool jump. Then I saw the price
"$600" that was more then I had saved up since Kindergarten which was only $250, which only meant I needed a $350, mom would crack me some money for sure!
"What do you mean no!" I barked at my mom as we strolled down the soup aisle at Glen County Super Market.
"I said NO Trisha, that camp is too much and anyways Honey, it's just a simple camp." My mom laughed stroking my hair. I can't believe she said no to the biggest break for my career. I said the first thing that popped into my head
"But Karly M. is going!" I moaned.
"Honey, it's still a no and that is that, oh get two cans of that soup will ya?" My mom smiled.