Share Your Horse Science Fair Project Here!

by Sydney

Have you done a horse science experiment for your school science project? Share it here!

Please provide as many details as possible, and let us know if you won an award for your project.

You can see my science fair project here.

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Oct 02, 2024
Bit or no Bit
by: SunsetEq

It sixth grade I did a project on if horse react better with bits or without them. I tested it out three horses over obstacles, barrels, flags, a jump and Texas rollback. I rode them through all of that with the bit and without it. with just a halter.

I had my mom record each horse so I could make a video. And log the way each horse reacts. I made a poster board about bits and the way they work and things like that. I also bought my trainers friends bridle there to show them what a actual bit looks like.

I also took chopsticks (unused) and string and I would tie string on each side to be reins, and the person would put the clean chopstick in the mouth and then someone would pull each rein, so they get the feel of how a bit works with the horse. I got second place on it! I hope this inspires you!


Great project! Thanks so much for sharing those ideas.

Oct 23, 2014
Which saddle pad keeps the horse the coolest?
by: Anonymous

We tested which saddle pad keeps the horse the coolest after a 10 minute workout. We first took the temperature of the horse with a forehead thermometer and then took a ten minute ride and after ten minutes lifted the saddle pad and took the temperature from the side of the horse where we took it before, and compared the difference we did this 2 times per saddle pad and we used a Palomino and a Paint.

Mar 18, 2014
Horse Parts
by: Nicole

I did a horse science fair project on all the parts of a horse. I got a picture of a horse and labeled the parts and then wrote a short description on each part. I got a 1st place on that project.

Mar 18, 2014
Horse Teeth Experiment
by: Chloe

I think you should test how age affects a horse's teeth! You can ask a vet or someone you know who might have some horse teeth. You can also use different formulas, like a certain horse mashes and soak the teeth in there to see which will keep the horses teeth healthier. My friend did this but with human teeth, and soaked them in pop or milk, so why not try with horse teeth!

Mar 18, 2014
Which Treats do Horses Like Best?
by: Christina

When I was in 4th grade I did an experiment to see what kind of treat horses like best. I had a bowl with a divider, and I put apples on one side and carrots on one side, and I would see which one the horses would eat first. It was a really fun experiment and I'm glad I did it!

Mar 18, 2014
Horse's Sight
by: Anonymous

I had a friend who did one on a horse's eye sight. She put treats on 4 buckets all different colors and used different horses to see which one they went to first and most often.

Mar 18, 2014
The Life Cycle Of A Horse
by: Sophia

You could do a project showing the life cycle of a horse. You could use model magic and make the horse as a foal, and make models until it becomes a grownup! (foal, yearling etc.) You could make the mane and tail grow longer, the older the horse gets and you could tell the average lifetime of a horse and other interesting facts!


Mar 18, 2014
The effects of massage therapy on joint rotatability of a horse
by: Haleigh

I had a friend who has a really old, arthritic horse who is really stiff. So for her project, she practiced a Chinese massage therapy called tui-na on her horse every day for a week before every time she rode.

She tested the joint flexibility of her horse Becky with a protractor, and it had some great results! So if you or a friend has an old horse, this might be a really good project to do.

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How is a horses canter stride affected by weight and size?

by Katie

Me and my friend did this one last year for school science fair and got second place! Basically what we did was take 3 horses from my barn and we used 2 horses from her barn to test this out. From my barn we had a 14.3hh Arabian cross, 13.3hh POA, and my horse a 15.2hh hanoverian with a big stride.

We set up 4 cones each a canter stride away from each other (a 17hh horses canter stride) and with each horse we lunged them around in a circle with the cones half way around the circle. We videotaped their lunging and then saved it on my friends computer.

Then she went to her barn and she had a 13.2hh New Forest, and a 16.3hh thoroughbred and she set up the same sequence in her barn and videotaped it as well. We also measured the horses' height, weight,breed, and age before we did the lungeing but I forgot to put that in sorry.

We looked at the videos and made up a data chart of each horses stride. We actually came to quite a few different conclusions. I'll leave you to figure that out and my barn was outside and hers was inside so it may have made a difference but I don't know.

It was a fun project. We had to research the breeds as well but that didn't take so long. It was fun to do so if you want try it!

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Oct 11, 2011
by: Sydney from

It sounds like a really fun project. Thanks so much for telling us about this one!

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Horse's Sight

I had a friend who did one on a horse's eye sight. She put treats on 4 buckets all different colors and used different horses to see which one they went to first and most often.

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Do horses react better to what they see or hear?

by Kylee

For this horse science experiment, gather a few noisy items such as a bell or dog clicker. Then gather a couple different pictures. Make a noise with whatever you gathered and see if the horse comes to you.

The next day show the horse a picture and see if it comes to you. Do this for a while and see which thing the horse responded to better then write it on a chart.

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Saddle sweat

What type of saddle pad makes your horse sweat the most after a 20 minute workout? Try 3 different saddle pads on the same horse and walk, trot, canter Him! Examine the sweat afterwards!

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Horse Shampoo and Treats

by Olivia T
(Beaverdam, Va)

Hi Sydney! Here are some ideas for your science fair. I hope this helps....

1) Test different brands of horse treats and see which one they like best.

2) Use different shampoo and after they've dried, see which brand is easier to braid and which one stays in the longest.

3) Try to make your own show shine (hoof polish) out of everyday liquids and see which one is shiniest and which mixture stays on longest compared to store-bought polish.

I know its not much, but I hope these help!

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Oct 11, 2011
Good ideas!
by: Sydney from

I really like #3 for the hoof polish. It's a good idea. Unfortunately my teacher told me I can't do an experiment with other people's animals and I don't have a horse yet. But when I get one I might do this one!!

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Can Horses Tell Color? Different Food?

by Grace
(Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A)

Put out different colored objects and see which colored object is most picked by the horse. Leave the horse on a loose rein so you have as little as possible to do with it.

Also you could do a test of which food horses like. And better yet mix the two together put the same food in different colored buckets and see which bucket is picked by the most horses with little to no human involvement.

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The effects of massage therapy on joint rotatability of a horse

by Haleigh
(Highland Park, IL)

I had a friend who has a really old, arthritic horse who is really stiff. So for her project, she practiced a Chinese massage therapy called tui-na on her horse every day for a week before every time she rode. She tested the joint flexibility of her horse Becky with a protractor, and it had some great results! So if you or a friend has an old horse, this might be a really good project to do.

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Oct 10, 2011
awesome but hard
by: Sydney

Sounds like an awesome project that would get first place! Also sounds hard.

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Teaching Your Horse How to Paint

by Ray

This colorful experiment helps you figure out the best way to teach your horse how to paint. Yes, paintbrush, canvas and all.
-Horse treats
-Table (reaches around horse's throat or lower neck)
-Paintbrush (big, wide, brush such as for painting walls)
-Canvas & Easel

-Lay the paintbrush on the table and have your horse stand facing it.
-Every time your horse TOUCHES the paintbrush with its muzzle/lip, click and give it a treat. Repeat until horse is constantly touching brush.
-Now horse has to PICK UP the brush to get a treat. When it does, use clicker and reward it.
-Apply paint to brush and every time horse touches brush to canvas, click and give treat. Your horse will be an artist!
-Use non-toxic paint in case of ingestion by horse.
-It takes patience to get your horse to paint. It doesn't magically happen right away.

To make this an experiment, come up with some manipulated variables (things you can change to see which works better). Maybe your way will work faster, who knows? Good luck!

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Horse Science Experiment: Which saddle pads are the coolest (in temperature)?

by Olivia

Use different materials for a horse's saddle pad and do a 20-minute workout with the horse (including warm up time). See which one has the coolest temperature.

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Can Horses Feed Affect Their Ride?

by Carly
(chagrin Falls,OH,usa)

This is my idea for our school's science fair: I can test different companies' feeds and supplements. My pony is senior so I would have to stick to senior mixes but I'm sure that the lady who owns a horse would be ok with the idea that every two weeks I change the feed but feed them myself :) When I ride or they ride I can video tape the ride and see how it changes!

Hope you like my idea

P.S. You could also see which one gives the best possible ride!

FROM SYDNEY: Be careful about changing feed. It can cause colic. But maybe you can try different supplements or different foods over a longer period...

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Oct 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

This could cause real stomach problems.

Oct 12, 2011
by: lucinda author of never trot in knee deep grass and this is my pony bella

i think this is a great idea and don't forget to do chaff!

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Horse Experiment: Whitch saddle pad keeps the horse the coolest?

by Kaitlin
(Severville, TN)

You can work your horse with two or three different saddle pads like cotton or fleece. Record your data and then determine whether or not which pad kept him the coolest.

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Your horses breed history in my case quarter horses

Look up in books or on the Internet where that breed originated and the first horse from that breed. And also what they called that breed at first and some extra information could be a website to register a horse of that breed and for quarter horses AQHA is the largest horse registry in the world!!!

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Feb 08, 2013
The Nooitgedachter
by: Unicorn

Cool idea!
I wrote an article on this once. My smallest mare, a cutesy grey named Arwen Evenstar, is a Nooitgedachter Sport Horse.
Nooitgedachters are the descendants of the old Basutho pony, a sturdy, quiet animal originating in Lesotho in southern Africa. The breed was dying out in the 1950s when a group of farmers started trying to breed Basuthos again on the Nooitgedacht Research Station. There were so few left that they had to add an infusion of Boerperd and Arabian blood, which refined the Basutho and gave it more athletic potential whilst keeping the steady temper and hardiness. The result was the beautiful Nooitgedachter, a large pony/small horse standing from 13.2-16.1hh (usually falling in the 14-15hh range) that comes in all solid colours (black, bay, chestnut, grey, and roan). Roans and greys are particularly common.
This is an elegant but hardy pony, with a prettily dished head and very correct hooves. Intelligence, kindness and an affinity for people is strongly favoured. Shown with manes and tails thick and flowing, they are striking creatures.
The Nooitie's greatest strength lies in acting as a family pony or farm horse, but they also make good show or dressage ponies and some can be exceptional jumpers. My Nooitgedachter Sport Horse is a quiet little thing with a heart of gold who can jump up to 1.3m - and is only six years old!
For more on the Nooitgedachter go to
To read the full article published in Equus Ex Nihilo, go to and subscribe to the free eZine.

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Food or water? Which one does a horse like best?

by Tylee
(Botswana, Africa)

For this horse science experiment, put the horse on grass. Put a bowl of water about 3 meters away from the horse. Then put a bowl of the horses food on the other side but 7 meters away.

This experiment is to show which the horse likes best - water or food.

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Body Parts of The Horse or What Do Horses Eat?

by Sierra
(Hector, MN, USA)

Body parts would be simple. You just put up a drawing of a horse and name all the body parts. You could also do colors and breeds on the same board or on what you are using.

What Do Horses Eat?

You could put up a diet of what they eat, all the different hays, grains, roughage...etc. Also what Vitamin A,C,D...(etc) do and come from what type of food. Also carbohydrates, fats, starches.. etc.

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Fun with Horses!!!

by Whitney
(piedmont ok us)

There are many easy thing you could do for a horse science fair project:

* The anatomy of the horse (not as easy)
* First horse (choosing the right one)
* Different breeds (pick your fav. 5!)
* Training for kids (ground work for kids and their colts)
* Wild horses nature
* Adopting the perfect horse
* Horse diseases (EPM, laminitis, etc.)
* Horse hair braiding
* Making horse hair bracelets
* The horse's brain (sculpture)
...others like that

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Which Treats do Horses Like Best?

by Christina

When I was in 4th grade I did an experiment to see what kind of treat horses like best. I had a bowl with a divider, and I put apples on one side and carrots on one side, and I would see which one the horses would eat first. It was a really fun experiment and I'm glad I did it!

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Multitasking Genders

See if a girl or a boy can multitask better on a horse for instance go over a caveletti and a jump correctly with heels down, eyes up, 2 point position and see if a boy or a girl does it better and do it on more than one person of course.

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Feb 07, 2013
by: Sydney from

Clever idea. I like it! What is your hypothesis? :)

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Does a horse ride different on different types of land?

by Megan
(Ames, IA)

A horse science experiment idea: You ride your horse on different types of land-like sand, dirt, a field, and grass.

While you or someone else is riding the horse, you pay attention on how they ride-like if they ride smooth and slow or bumpy and fast. You can do a walk, trot, loop, or all of them.

You can either test it on 1,2,3,or more horses but it don't matter.

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Horse Behavior- Mares vs. Geldings

by Samantha L
(Mesa, AZ, U.S.A)

This is an experiment I almost did for a school project. This requires that you have (or have access to) several mares and geldings. This is a project that we horse people already understand, but it's a fun project that impresses judges. Basically, you test several different geldings and mares in different situations (grooming, riding, leading, in the herd) to see if there is a consistent difference.

It's an interesting idea, and you can change it however you want.

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Oct 10, 2011
I like it
by: Sydney from

It seems like a lot of work for a science fair project, but watching the horses for hours would be really fun!!

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Horse Science Experiment Ideas: Horse Genes

Find a couple horses and track down their family to find out their genes. Then after you have done that find out how the different genes influence the way the horse jumps runs gallops. Eats, western or classical, treats.

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The Life Cycle Of A Horse

by Sophia

You could do a project showing the life cycle of a horse. You could use model magic and make the horse as a foal, and make models until it becomes a grownup! (foal, yearling etc.) You could make the mane and tail grow longer, the older the horse gets and you could tell the average lifetime of a horse and other interesting facts!


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Oct 12, 2013
Verry creative
by: Kaitlin

very good idea but like the other person i have to have a testable hypothesis maybe someone else can use this great idea.

Oct 11, 2011
Nice idea
by: Sydney from

That sounds like a cool science project. Unfortunately I can't use it because we have to do an experiment where we test a hypothesis. But maybe someone else can use it!

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Horse Parts

by Nicole
(Waupun, WI, USA)

I did a horse science fair project on all the parts of a horse. I got a picture of a horse and labeled the parts and then wrote a short description on each part. I got a 1st place on that project.

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