Party like a Cowgirl (Cowboy)
by Andria
Party like a cowgirl party ideas!
INVITATIONS: Fold white construction paper in half. Cut in half so that you make a card. Draw or trace a cowboy boot on the front. Then decorate however you want. And write party details inside. Tell your guests to wear jeans, boots, western shirt. Supply inexpensive western hats and bandanas as party favors.
FOOD AND DRINKS: For the drinks, I like the Root Beer in the glass bottles. For lunch, you can have Grilled Baked Potatoes, Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Chile, or Smoked Sausage with baked beans. For dessert have Apple, peach, or Cherry Cobbler.
DECORATIONS: Eat at a picnic table with a red and white check table cloth or around a fire. And use bandanas for nabkins. Pick wildflowers and up to them in an old boot, old-style coffee pot, or tie them up in a bandana and use them as a centerpiece.
GAMES: Teach guests how to Rope, Square dance, Go for a trail ride, and/or hayride.
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My Pony Party!
by Davanna
For my 10th Birthday I had a "Pony Party." It was the best! For the invitations me and my dad (he is the best artist!) drew a horse head. We bought some felt fabric cut the shape out. We used buttons for eyes and drew the features. We bought some yarn for the mane too!
Me and my mom got the cake though. It was actually cupcakes! It was a horse head that looked like my real-life horse Blossom. The cupcakes were together and icing over all of it to make it look real. It looked amazing! Me and my mom also made cookies that were shaped like horseshoes they were cute!
For the games of course we played pin the tail on the pony, we bobbed apples, then we each got a piece of paper (it already had a horse body on it). It asked questions like, "The name of your dream horse, age, coat color, etc." You got to draw and create your dream horse! For my birthday I asked for horse items like brushes, feed, grain, hoof pics, etc.
I donated all of it to are local animal shelter. I also got some money from my party that was donated as well. So not only did I have a great Pony Party, me and my friends helped horses out!
My Pony party was the best party. My friends and I had a blast! I think every horse love-in girl should have a party as I did. Not only is it a pony party for little kids ages 5 and such but for older horse fans as well, like me!
I don't regret anything, and what's better than having the best party and helping horses at the same time! Thanks so much!
Horse lover forever! :)
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Mosy On Down To The Ranch
by Rebecca W.
(Antelope Ca USA)
It was a sweet sixteen party for our horse-crazy daughter. Place: Gibson Ranch
We had western-style food
And games like teen roping, cow pie chucking (not real cow pies), Gymkhana style games using friends as the horses.
Turned out to be loads of fun.
Horsey Birthday Party On A Budget!
by Carrigan
If you're looking to have a horse-themed party, but you have a certain budget! Don't worry! You can still have an awesome party without paying a fortune! Here are a few ideas.
*Your cake doesn't have to be from a designer cake shop! Many great grocery stores have a section in a bakery where your mom or dad buys ham or other meats from! Dairy Queen also makes good icing cakes that have horses on them! If you don't like the design on the cake, you can always make one yourself by just buying icing and cake mix!
*Decorations can be bought from party stores! Many Party stores carry many themed party decorations, you might also have a local store that carries horsie-themed decorations, make sure you stay close to your budget and if the decorations cost too much the best way is to make them yourself! You can use the internet and print out cute/funny horsie pictures or make horsie decorations with construction paper!
*Many card places, (Dollar Star, Hallmark,) Don't carry horse-themed cards, so the best way is to use a printer/ computer (Microsoft word is very good for making invites)or by making your own with horse stickers, construction paper, and felts!
The Party Place:
*You don't have to book a horse trail ride, or a trip to the petting zoo to have a great party! If there is a horse movie coming to your theaters plan to go to the theaters with your guest! If you are planning on having a horse party, at a barn/stable, (for horse, wedding, birthday)trail rides, are very fun!
*I was taking a lesson one day, and my barn was having a birthday party, if you want a horse birthday party at a stable, check local stables online cause many stables that offer lessons for beginners often offer birthday parties too!
*Since we've already talked about cakes, we don't need to plan a cake anymore, most parties usually have pizza, or people go to a restaurant with their friends, but a cool idea, (IF YOUR WESTERN) Is to make a little mini western buffet! With little western food, drinks, plates, napkins, and cups. (I'm not western so I don't have any western food ideas). Another cool idea is just to have horsie cups, plates, and napkins! You can also have cool food with horsie names. (Fries). Yellow Hay? Pudding (Bran Mash) Nuts, (Oats) You can also have apple slices, and the horses also really like Scotch Mints! Another great horsie food idea, they're actually really good too!
*Some parties have costumes, so you could ask your horsie friends to dress up in horsie clothes too! Or if you have extra clothes and your friends don't have any lend them yours!
Party Favors:
*Party Favors, don't cost much, you can get them usually from the dollar store, but, for your party try getting small bags with a horse on them! You can put a horse brush, or hoof pick inside, along with a little bag of horse treats!!
Games (Without Horses):
For your party if you don't have the use of a horse, here are some games you don't need a horse for!
*Horse Che-rads
Get in groups of 2's/3's and the first group goes first, they will act out a horsie thing (Saddle, Oxer, Canter, Vet) For instinct, if you picked to use, a saddle, you could pretend your group member is a horse and you're saddling them!
*Horse Head
Get a headband, and a couple of friends, a couple of cars with horse words on them, put the band on the first person's head and a stopwatch, put the card on the first person's head and the rest of the friends will act out what's on the person's head until they get the word, only allow the person 3-5 minutes! And keep putting more cards on the person's head until she doesn't answer her card in time! Then go on to the next person!
*Don't say that Horsie Word!
Write some horsie words on a card, (2 players only) and under the word on the card, write words that would give away that word if you said it, example;
example 2;
Then switch turns trying to guess!
*Pin the tail on the horse!
Print a picture of a horse online, or use a poster, and make or print some horsie tails and try to pin the tail on the horse!
*What is in the sock
Put horsie things in a sock (Hoof Pick, Brush, Spurs, Bag of treats, horse boot) and get a person to try and guess what's in the sock!!
Hope you enjoyed it!! Those are my ideas!
Fun in The Sun Horse Party
by Jeriah
(Crownsville, Maryland)
For this party, everybody dresses in riding pants and a t-shirt. When everybody gets there your parents bring a bunch of well-trained horses.
And for the people who don't know how to ride a grownup leads them with a lead rope and shows them how to sit in the saddle then when everyone is good-to-go everybody gets to go swimming on horseback!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then after about half an hour of that, you have a scavenger hunt whoever finds the missing carrot will get a giant sack of carrots for their horses and if they don't have horses don't waste their carrots are yummy and good for you.
Then after you play pin the tail on the horse they eat horse-shaped pizzas then play, talk, and chat while their food digests the they have horse-shaped carrot cake then they feed the horses and give them their dessert (a bunch of horse treats) then everybody just hangs around plays, find seashells, lays on the beach, swims.
Then when it gets dark some grownups set up the tent while the others set up a campfire then when everyone is settled we sing songs about horses tell horse stories and roast marshmallows. Then everyone goes to their tent and tries to see who can stay up the longest. Then in the morning, we do the same thing then everyone goes home with goody bags.
Well, that's my party hope you love it. I really need a first prize for my kindle bye!
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Paige's Pony Party
by Camilla
Invitations: Paper horseshoes that say saddle up get on your boots and trot your way to Paige's pony party then list time, place, and location
Cake: Either a big horseshoe or a pony/horse
Games: Main game rent a horse or pony and let the kids take turns on the pony with somebody leading them additional hames include: piñata pass the hot horseshoe pin the tail on the pony name that horse and who gallop like a horse best
Prizes: Pony suckers, horse candy, keychains, and stickers
Dinner/lunch: Have hot dogs, beans, and root beer in cowboy boot cups
Party favors: Cowboy hats, candy, plastic horse, and stickers
Photo booth: Have a western-themed background for the kids to come and get their pictures taken
Cowgirl Up Party
by Savannah D.
(West Virginia)
I am actually doing this party this year. My party starts out with a barrel race and I am using stick horses and we are timing and whoever gets the best time wins a prize.
We are also doing a wheelbarrow race where you wheel someone in the wheelbarrow to the cone and around and back, and then we are doing a trail class with a big stuffed horse where we walk over sticks and we have to back up in the shape of an L and then we lope to the judge and wait for everyone else to go through.
And then we are going to eat cake which is shaped like a boot which we are decorating with skittles and m&ms and we are having root beer floats for a western themed drink. After we eat we are doing horseback rides and we also are having a scavenger hunt.
We are doing a bonfire later in the evening and roasting marshmallows and having smores !!
We are having a small horse show, showing my miniature horse and we are doing a gold hunt which was just big rocks painted gold. For real food we had nachos and cheese and also had roasted hot dogs later in the evening.
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Party For a New Pony
by Brenda
(Oklahoma city OK)
We were going to have a new four legged friend coming. It was going to be Abby my cousin's first pony and she wanted me and my cousin Alexis to come over and see her pony mare and with our horses too. When we arrived a pick up truck with a trailer also arrived a 13.2 pony was inside. Abby said "That's my pony!" As they unloaded the pony Alexis went running towards her.
"Hello alexis this is your 1st pony, enjoy" the man from the pony told alexis. "Oh and alexis give her a very good home, and her name is Buttercup."
We put buttercup in the first box on the left. We groomed and washed buttercup we also helped and we also washed our horses. "Could this day get any better? I mean I have a pony now I could ride with you guys."
"Alexis maybe it could get any better..."
"What do you trying to say big cousin Brenda?"
"yeah Brenda what are you trying to say?"
Well alexis got her first pony?"
"Well if it's her first pony we should celebrate."
"That's a great idea brenda, but how?"
"Well alexis since im the oldest we could ask permission if we could stay the night her at your house and we will ride in the night. I will take good care of you"
We asked permission and they all agreed. I called Alexis and Abby they said "yes".
When the night came we took our horses and we rode in a huge field.
"Hey guys?"
"Yes alexis"
"Could this day get any better?"
Blue Ribbon Birthday Party
by Connie
This is a awesome birthday for anyone who rides and shows!!!
For decorations I went with the colors lime green, Caribbean blue, and royal blue. Just get plates, tablecovers, etc. in these colors. decorate your party space (house or barn) by hanging blue ribbons everywhere.
You can also decorate the area by arranging tack around the room (saddle by the entrance, bridle hanging somewhere noticeable, etc...)and by horse posters.
For the cake anything horsey will do. I made my own cookie cake. I took premade cookie dough and spread it over a whole pan and baked it. When it was done I cut out the shape of a horse and frosted it.
Activities- if you have access to a horse you could all take turns riding, you could have a horseless horse show(set up "jumps" and have each guest go through them and time them. determine the winner and give them a blue ribbon! you could also have contest for best braider, best grooming job, etc...
You could also ask your friends to bring a model horse or borrow one and have a model horse show.
For party favors, if the party goers are younger the gift bags can be filled with stuffed ponies, plastic horses, candy etc...but if they are older you could give everyone a blue ribbon that says different thing like best smile, funniest friend, etc and you could also give them all a hoof pick:)
Wild Magic Horse Party
by Sophia
My idea for a party all about HORSES:
Place: Wild Magic Horse Stables
For: Courtney
There will be a rental horse for everyone to ride for 10 minutes! While the other party guests are waiting they get to paint their own ceramic horse and/or groom horse of their choice in the stable!
After everyone gets a turn riding (with or without lead rope) cake, pizza, and water/juice will be served! After that, a horse show (including dressage, jumping etc.) will be performed!
After that there will be a "yankee swap" type thing and everyone can bring their own horse items and swap them for other things they want! Everyone should get at least 1 item!
Then: Time to go home!
All names, and places are fictional and the ideas were thought up by me!

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My Amazing Horse Party!
by Anna
For my 12th Birthday party, I decided to invite 5 of my friends. They all liked horses but they were not all particularly horsey, so it was important that I made the party as interesting as possible.
We were lucky enough to have a neighbour who has a horse, and they said we could use the gorgeous bay (named Storm) for the party! I sent out invitations which consisted of a picture of Storm on the front. The picture had been edited and Storm was ‘wearing’ a party hat and there were balloons in the background.
I told the guests to wear clothes that were OK to get dirty, because we would be doing a lot of things outside. When they arrived, I gave them each a slice of carrot and we went out to see Storm. We went into his field where I caught him and my friends got to feed the carrot to Storm. After that, we all got out the grooming kit and brushed Storm until he shone, before I showed them how to pick out his feet.
Next, I showed the guests how to lead horses and we timed each other in leading Storm around one lap of the field. Beforehand, I had made simple rosettes out of ribbon, and the guest who won received the rosette. We did lots of games like this, including a small jumping course and an obstacle course (with bending poles, etc.). All the winners got rosettes!
If you don’t have a horse, then you could do a show jumping course on foot! Just prop up some brushes on buckets and see how long it takes to complete the course!
After saying goodbye to Storm, we went inside and had our horsey meal. Our garage was decorated with hay bales, pictures of horses in stables and horsey balloons. The table was set with all kinds of delicious horse-themed food – carrots, apples, ‘straw’ flapjacks and some other party food (that wasn’t particularly to do with horses, but it didn’t matter)! We had the meal before the candles on the cake were lit; the cake was a basic sponge cake with a marzipan horse on it which I had made!
Before the end of the party, I gave each of the guests a party bag – inside, it contained a real horse-shoe, a bookmark which I made on the computer, some sweets and a little model horse.
All the guests really enjoyed the party, and so did I! It was great fun! If you don’t have a pony/horse, you could do something on foot (as mentioned before), watch a horsey film or play with model horses!
The Lucky 7 Horse Party
by Jennifer
My birthday cake(:
Hi I'm Jennifer. I'm a huge fan of horses and i decided to enter this competion.
So my partie was a horse layout/background, We used one of the websites on this site the snowy mountain ride annd we got a ride on the mountains. after that we went back home and my mum baked this HUGE horse cake.
I had horse balloons hanging from the ceiling. We had songs from Flicka on and before all that i sent horse invitions to my friends.
My friends loved it!
Thank you!
Love jenny (cross my fingers i win xxx)
p.s The Lucky 7 Horse Party.
The Best and Saddest Day for Alexis
by Brenda
(oklahoma city)
It was 3 weeks before my cousin Alexis' b-day. She called me on day and she was very sad and she said that her horse had died from a colic in the middle of the night so alexis told me if i could come over to make her company. Her horse Dreamer was a 15hh appalossa stallion.
Alexis thought it was one of her most saddest b-days she told me she didn't wanted anything else in her life but a horse. I told my cousin Abby that we had to look for a less expensive horse for Alexis. Abby told me that her friend had a horse of 14hh and was also an Appalossa that looked like dreamer that he didn't want him anymore.
We went with Abby's friend Carlos. We told him the story of what had happen to alexis he told us that he has good conformation and he would sell him for 50 dollars caues he already wanted to get rid of him right away he also gave us his papers.
It was now 1 week and 2 days before Alexis' birthday. I kept the horse at my ranch in on of my stables. Abby and I looked at his papers he was a stallion and his name was Stormy.
Abby and I went to a trail. I went with stormy and abby went with her horse Jazzman. We wanted to know if the horse was safe on the streets too. Stormy was 100% safe.
It was now 3 day befor alexis birthday. Alexis was going to make a party at her ranch outside she send invitations by mail. It was made by hand it said "your invited to my party" it had a pretty horse inside it. We groomed Stormy really good and her also had a good wash. We were all ready for the party
When she opened her presents we said "Wait that's not all the presents than I brought stormy to her she could'nt talk. Then she said "Is that dreamer?" "No this is Stormy. Happy birthday here are his papers. He's 100% safe for you." She hugged so hard me and abby.
Alexis had the best day of her party days.
Day As An Equestrian Rider
by Ariana
My ideal horse party would be a whole day as an equestrian rider - you could do it with hobby horses. Each party guest would get to pick their horse or make their hobby horse out of paper or old socks. Next you would get to care for your hobby horse.
After that you ride out(in a nearby football field, woods, or beach) after that you would practice dressage, show jumping and cross country.
When you have finished practicing the competition will start. If you want to you can have Pony club Games in party too!The winner will get a trophy(made out of a wineglass with paper handles at the side) and a red rosette (made out of crepe paper and coloured paper). Other participants will get rossettes and mini prizes like horse stickers,stamps and pencils etc.
After that you may care for your horse or ride out again!!! If you would like to you could make the party into a sleepover and do a two-day-event(just like the real three-day-event with real horses!!!)
In the evening you could relax and watch a movie and make or organise a stable for your hobby horses. In the morning(if you had a sleepover or two day event) you'll be able to get up early and feed and groom your horse, just like the real thing!!! then the second day of competition will start. (I couldn't find any photo's sorry!!!!! They weren't saved onto this computer!)
Barn B-Day Party
by Evangeline
(Anchorage Alaska)
This is my dream horse B-day Party.
SET UP: Okay. I have my lesson. It is on a Friday, and afterwards we set up the party in the HUGE arena at the barn that i ride. Jumps are put up and presents are piled beside, on top, anywhere on 1 jump. All of the silver tack boxes(draped with horsey table cloths) are wiped down and brought into the arena for the food. Horse models, drawings, pinata, decorations in general are strung around the arena. Saddle pads and horse fabric stuffed with (sorry,not straw) but regular stuffing (used for make shift beanbags) are strewn around the tack boxes for chairs.
THE FOOD: The Cake:they both look delicious.....
Other food:cupcakes decorated with horsey designs such as bridles,saddles,outlines of horses,cowboy things, horseshoes (etc.)rabbit food,or in this case horse food, is on the table along with fried beans, coleslaw, chicken, mashed potatoes, ice cream (rocky road, vanilla, strawberry, strawberry rebel or mint chocolate chip.)with strawberry, caramel, or chocolate syrup.
Drinks: water, juice, soda, coffee, herbal tea,iced tea.
A jump course and a flat work class are set up as a kind of human show. Horseshoes are borrowed from a local ferrier and used for horseshoe toss. Sawdust is piled (they use it for bedding) and used for sawdust money pile. Horse movies are set up in Julie's office. There is a funny little skit about King Arthur and his Arabian horses (modern comedy) and then present opening! Also a book reading,if anybody's interested!
The card says: Barn Birthday Party!!!
the invitations are bordered by walking, trotting, loping, cantering, galloping, ridden English, Western, or bareback,and so on and so forth.
When Opened:
Bottom Card:
R.V.S.P:Phone number
Top Card:
After the party there is a optional sleepover up in Julie's office.(WITH CHAPERONES!!!!!)
basically we clean up after the party. Eat left over cake and another ice cream cake with model horses in the icing. We watch the unwatched movies or rent new ones(with buttery movie POPCORN of COURSE!). Then we order pizza and settle down to read, play horse-monopoly, chat or just go to sleep early. In the morning there is showers and clothes and then we head out side and do horsey games all over again.
Paint A Horse Party!!
by Katelyn
Paint a horse party is where you go to your local barn and either:
(a) Rent a horse, or
(b) use your own.
Then you invite everyone you want and you go horse back riding first then play gymkhana. Then you get to wash the horse(s) and learn about all the parts, tack, etc.
Then while waiting for the horse to dry you eat cake and presents. Then you go and paint the horses for a competition.
Note from Sydney: I've heard these washable non-toxic paints are good for painting horses. Be sure to use safe paints only on your horse or pony!
Horsing Around Birthday Party
by Sierra
We had a horse themed party, horse plates, horse cups, horse napkins, etc. We played fun horse games, like Horseopoly, and Herd Your Horses.
I got grooming tools, a saddle, and finally, a pony! My cake had a horse on it too.
And better yet, we had it in my friend's indoor arena. After having the cake, we all went out for a trail ride.
On the trail ride we walked, trotted, cantered, galloped, swam, and jumped.
Super fun!!
The pony I rode was named Ginger and after we got off and were cooling them out, they said that she was mine. I was so happy!
When we got inside we watched a whole bunch of horse movies and stayed up all night! The movies that we watched were Dreamer, Spirit, Black Beauty, Black Stallion, and Racing Stipes. My favorite was Dreamer.
The other smaller stuff that I got for my birthday from my friends were Horsez2 for DS, the movie Long Shot, a lead rope, a halter, a subscription to Young Rider magazine, and a t-shirt saying "A Cowgirl's Place Is On Her Horse".
This was the best birthday party I have ever had!
The Mane Event
by Holly
(United States)
Invitations: Get a picture of a horse off the internet. Print the picture multiple times (for however many guests your having). Take a piece of white paper and cut it into the shape of a speech bubble (again one for each picture). Cut out the horse and tape or glue the speech bubble to it. Write inside the speech bubble the date, time, and place of the party. Tell them to come in jeans or riding pants.
"Mane" Event: Try to find a place that offers trail rides and take your friends on a trail ride (with your parents permission). If you have your own horse give each guest a mini riding lesson. Show your guests how to tack, untack, lead, and groom a horse. Let them have a go each at this. Roundpenning is fun too. Have a few unpainted model horses and paint ready. Let each guest paint a horse.
Food and Drinks: Get horse themed snacks (ie baby carrots, apple slices, sugar cubes, peppermints, etc). Serve in "food troughs". Just make tiny fake food troughs out of tin foil or paper. serve water to drink. Horses don't drink Coke after all!
Games: Have a jumping course. Make jumps out of household items. If you can use real jumps. Time each person over the jumps. The person with the fastest time and/or least number of poles knocked over wins.
For Sleepovers: Rent a few horse movies (I recommend Danny, The Black Stallion, Second Chances, Secretariat, or National Velvet). Karaoke is always fun. If you like scary stuff take turns telling ghost stories and/or get and Ouija board.
Party Favors: Let the guests take home the model horse they painted earlier. If you take pictures during the "Mane Event" part of the party give copies to each guest.
Cowgirl Birthday Bash
by Lexi
(Temecula, CA, United States)
Birthday Invitations:
- Raffia around the outside in the shape of a lasso
- Cut-out of Cowgirl on horse, barrel racing
- Inside says: -Come help our cowgirl celebrate her 7 Birthday, it's going to be great!
Items to Bring:
- Cowgirl Hat
- Spurs
- Jeans
- Cowgirl Boots
- Horse T-shirt
- Horse Drawing contest
- Fastest Barrel Race
- Don't drop the egg off the spoon while trotting
- Lasso the cow
- Pin the ribbon on the horse bridle
- Pony Rides
- Wild Mustang (horse cupcakes)
- Pinto Bean Soup(Chili)
- Horse Shoes (Hamburgers cut into horseshoes)
- Old Barn (cake that looks like a stable/barn)
Party Favors:
-Breyer Model Horse
-Horse Stuffed animal
-Horse Painting Kit
-Lots of Candy
- Breyers everywhere (or any model horses.)
- Big Banner with galloping horses
- Horse Trough for holding drinks
- Horse Ranch
Bouncin' Barrelbelly Birthdays
by Victoria
My!!! This water is cold!!! Okay, I'll admit it is fun...
This party is for ponies who need a change from eating hay every day!
For a pony's birthday, he or she must have a barrel belly, in other words, fat.
Any number of guests may come, they being close friends with the pony.
Games consist of games involving food. The pony does the games because: 1, they like to eat; 2, they get into the spirit; and 3, if they don't do it you make them do it. (Recommended only for extremely stubborn ponies)
Games suggested for normally fat ponies are Carrot Jumping, where you throw a carrot into the air and the pony has to catch it in midair(You might like to practice this one so you can win it even if there is only one pony attending).
Another suggestion is Apple'n'Carrot stretches where the pony stretches his neck around to get to the food. But the frequent playing of these games at parties doesn't mean that they are the most popular games. Usually, the games most popular are the ones you make up yourself! And only you know how to play, so how lucky are you?
Invitations are specially engraved on carrots or apples.
There are two sections of the party - dismounted games and ridden games. Ridden games are more like a gymkhana or Pony Club. Make up your own versions if you like!
Any games played must be fair for the horse! If he can't jump very well, consider this and try another variation! If he is scared and doesn't know what to do, it's okay! It's not the end of the world...
You, as the party host, get to pick out the very best games and food. Make sure your horse is comfy!
Decorations need to consist of a stable, yard or paddock layout. If it is a terrific day, hold the party outside! You would include balloons as well, draw on them fitting pictures for your party!
Just to keep this party idea fair, and not just for barrelbelly ponies, you can actually not include barrelbellies... Well it is definitely up to you decide.
Hope you have fun with the party! Remember, it is up to you what you do in the party, and that both you and your horse are having a ripper of a time.
My Horse Themed B-day
by Shelby
(Myrtle Creek OR, USA)
When I had my Horse themed B-day:
List of party things we had:
1. Brown and black streamers
2. Napkins with a Mare and Foal on the front
3. Plates with horses grazing on them
4. Horse Themed Prize Bags
List of games we played:
1. Rope the Stick: you have a pole sticking out of the ground and you try to rope it.
2. What Horse Am I: where you get name tag right breeds of horses and stick the stickers on peoples foreheads and they guess what they are. It's close to the game "what animal am I?" then we had cake and opened presents and for some time we played and had fun.
It wasn't big but it was totally fun. I don't have any party pics.
My Amazing Pony Games Day PARTY!
by Alex
For my 11th birthday, I had a friend sleep over the day before my party. Her, myself and 3 of my other friends went to my riding stable (where I did lessons) and we had a pony games day! Let me start from the beginning . . .
So, the invitations that I sent out had a few horse cartoons and and a horse picture on it as well as some party information such as where we were going and what to wear (which was some long pants and boots/runners). I was all excited the night before, so I couldn't sleep!
When we got to the riding school, we all got given our horses. I got Max, who I always ride. The horses names were Max, Bella (pony), Milly, Doc and Tania Tucker (TT) After we had groomed the horses, we got to dress them up. I put a cowboy hat on max with holes for ears. I put a sparkly saddle cloth on him, a hawaiian lei, I braided his tail and mane and I tied all bows on him!
It was time to get started! We played all different games and won a ribbon each time we did so. I loved the obstacle course and weaving between poles. It was really funny to see some of my friends ride because most had never ridden before! In the end I got 3 1st places, a 3rd place and a 5th place. I had such a great time!
When the games were all over, we went up and I opened my presents, and I loved them all! Then my instructor came out and she gave us all a ribbon with our over all places on it. I came 1st out of everyone! I was just SO happy!
Then the instructor gave out 2 trophies: one for the best dressed up horse and one for the best horse and rider partnership. My friend and the pony, Bella, got the prize. It was obvious that she would win, because she was so cute and easy to make pretty. I was really nervous about who was going to get the partnership award. I really wanted it! And it WAS awarded to me! I was so happy! It has a horse head in bronze on it and some engraving, plus my riding club logo.
After the party, we went to MacDonald's and had some food and an ice cream cake. AFter that, we went to the park and played on the equipment until it was time for everyone to go home. It was the best birthday EVER!!!!!!!!
Horsing Around
by Matthew
(New York, NY)
This is a chance for the girls to actually BECOME horses. The activities are built creating fun costumes: Hats with string for manes, special construction paper for 'horse shoes', paints to create fun faces, stickers on their backpacks for saddles.
They can do horse races, steeple chases or just hang out in the barn. Just put out some racing areas and hay and you've got it all.
Food can be themed too. Have spaghetti look like hay. Make the cake green and look like pieces of grass. The girls can give themselves names and personalities to play all day. They let their imaginations go buck wild!
Wild Western Horse Party
by Madison
(La Mesa, CA, USA)
Ranger and Hecules (and my cousin)
one of my aunts horses hercules :D
me and duke! I wish I could upload even more pictures!
If I was going to have a horse themed birthday party, I would go all out! Starting with the invitations. I would like them to be cute and fun! I would make an invitation that looked like a WANTED poster. I would put the person's picture on the WANTED poster and at the bottom say; For Maddy's 14th Birthday Bash! On the inside there would be a couple cute, small pictures of horses! I would use exciting words like; SADDLE UP AND MOSEY ON DOWN! Give all the information about the party.
Then the decorations would be so amazing! Horse plates,cups, napkins, balloons, and confetti! I would have colorful streamers and other balloons everywhere!!! For center pieces on the tables I would put sunflowers in a plastic cowboy boots!
Now for the cake, I would make it super cute and as realistic as I can. I would love to have a two tier round cake. The first tier being a field with flowers and a fence, and my name written out in a pretty western looking font! The second tier would be a big red barn with a horse sticking out of the front, and a model chocolate of me next to the horse! It would be vanilla with raspberry filling, and red velvet with cream cheese filling! Plus a cute yellow bird on top of the barn!
For party favors I would get cute little stuffed horses, some stickers and put the stuffed horse in a little box that looked like a barn! Plus candy, bubbles and little games that have to do with horses! I would also throw in a cheap, cute cowgirl/ cowboy hat.
I would have this party at my aunts house because she has three horses. At the party everyone there would get a turn to ride one of the horses and brush them. Since my dad is a really good photographer (anybody taking the picture could work) I would let everyone get their picture taken with one horse or all the horses. Then later send the picture(s) out with the thank you letter. If you don't have horses or know anyone with them you could go to a stable and take pictures and ride there!
Fun things i would to at my birthday party is; make horse treats! Its easy and cheap! For anyone that wants some treats could take them home. I also think it would be really cool to paint and decorate horse shoes! And of course play horse shoes. If I have enough money for a jumpy I would get a horse one!
I would play lot of country music, and dance! A fun dance to do that is also easy to learn is Hannah Montana's “Hoedown Throwdown”! One of my favorite dances! Another fun thing to do would be having a roping contest! You could have different objects to lasso, whoever lassos the most wins a prize.
Another game that would be fun is whoever makes the best horse noise! So I would be the judge and all my friends would make horse noises! I pick the best one and that person gets a prize!
I know a lot of fun arts and crafts me and my horse crazy friends could do! Like; making doorknob hangers,frames made out of Popsicle sticks, I would aslo buy so cheap ribbon with horse on it and make hair bows, and decorate hard plastic water bottels, with things such a puffy paint and horse sticks! That way when my friends and I go riding we dont use a bunch of plastic water bottles! (be green!)
I hope you enjoyed my party ideas! God Bless!
Madison M.
My 12th Birthday Party!
For my twelfth birthday party, I had a blast. My invitations had funky rainbow horses on the front. Earlier in the month, my riding instructor and I found a cute little spot with two picnic tables, a bonfire, and a boat dock.
The day before my birthday party my mom went and set up the tables with red plaid table cloths, hay bales for seating, and wildflower decorations.
At about three my friends and I tacked up some horses and we went for a trail ride around the prairie. At five, we untacked and rode with my riding instructor's quads over to the picnic site where we had hot dogs and s'mores. I loved it :)
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My Horse's Birthday Party!!
by Rachael
Ok so for my birthday party when I turned 10, I had cupcakes in the shape of the horse's head with a blue halter on.
My aunt rode her horse here and I rode around and my friends came over. After my aunt left my friend Katie came and invited me to her horse barn so I went and I rode her pony around it was fun because I cantered and trotted and jumped a little.
My parents got me little Breyer horses there so cute I play with them a lot! As I was saying I was with the pony named Peanut :) Katie was trying to get him to trot cause he wouldn't budge so she swung the lead rope around his but I accidentally let go and he was trotting while I was holding on to his neck it was hilarious!!! I hope I win at least 3rd place I would love some new horse games for my ds!! <3 Rachael
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My Cousin's Horse Party
by Brenda
(oklahoma city OK)
My cousins Abby and Alexis my other cousin and I wanted to have a horse party for her horse Chayo. We wanted to invite all of our friends that love horses. We made invitations and the invitations said "You're invited." Below we wrote with a black marker so it said: "You're invited horse crazy friend". The invitations had a black and bay horse and their hind legs and the color was baby blue and inside the color was pink.
The location was planned in the stables. We were also making a sleepover so the boxes were supposed to be clean. The horses were also invited. We swept the floor and also Abby's mom our aunt helped put in the tables. We put chips in bowls and drinks.
We also had to fix the pinata. The pinata was a white horse. We put candy and fruit inside. We also made candy bags. When everything was done in 42 minutes everyone came. They said that they were having a great time.
After a while, we all went inside and saw a movie and ate popcorn and drinks. We slept in the living room with our sleeping bags and read a horse book we all took turns. Everyone kept saying they had a great time. We also had the best time.
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My Horse Party: "Hold Your Horses!" You're Invited!!!
by Anna M.
(Naperville, IL)
Here's my horse party idea.
To start off, every party needs some invitations. Find either a horse-shaped card or a card with horses on the cover. The invitation could say "Hold Your Horses! You're Invited to my Party!" on the cover. Then state the information about your party inside. You can draw some pictures of horses to put inside each invitation. Ask your guests to bring their best horse clothes, an apple or carrot, and their brightest smile!
You can greet everyone with a basket for your guests to put their apple or carrot in. You'll send the supplies to a stable to brighten up the horses' day. You can play 'Horseshoes', watch a horse-themed movie, or even go to a stable to ride! Hold some horse-themed contests like a drawing contest. Each guest will draw a horse, and hang up all the drawings to compare in the end.
You can also hold relay races. Have the first person walk, then the next person 'trot', then the third will 'canter', and the fourth will go into a 'gallop', sprinting to the finish line! You can mix up the gaits and include some fun types of style, like your best dressage horse pose!
For food, make sure to have 'horseshoe cookies'. Pick your favorite type of cookie, and shape them into horseshoes. Have a horse-shaped cake, with horse figures on top of it.
For goodie bags, put a horseshoe in each, some horse chocolate, some mini horses, and a horse bookmark! They'll feel the spirit even after your party when they read a book. They can hang up the horseshoe on their wall! Put all the horses on a shelf, and you're on your way to creating a horse-themed room! If they love your party very much, they may want to start getting more involved with horses!
The Best Day With Diva
by Brenda D.
(oklahoma city)
It was my mare diva and my anniversary 1 year together and I tried to make this day a very special day that I would remember whenever I was with her. So I planned to go on a trail with my friend-girls that had ponies horses so we all when with our four-legged friends to my cousin's house Alexis her family owns a ranch with 123 acres.
We passed through a little path covered with lots of trees and grass. We rode for 35 minutes until we got to this big field with trees and a lot of green grass. The horses really loved it by the grass. Diva was really happy I could notice we would gallop all over.
We kept on going and we all notice a baby Deer and a mom Deer. We tried not to make a lot of movements or sounds so we wouldn't scare them away. We rested by a little bay the horses drank lots of water and we all ate sandwiches and juice. We got a move on back home so we all decided to ask permission to have a sleepover at Alexis ranch and sleep in the stables in our sleeping bags.
That day was the best day diva and I could ever have together.
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The Secret Party for Our Horse
by Brenda
(Oklahoma City OK)
Two years ago our stallion horse was going to be 1 year old we wanted to make something for him so we made a cookout without telling anybody it was for Ski. So we made the party at my ranch and we prepared everything and invited our family.
We all had a good time. My dad and I got our horses and gave kids rides. They all wanted a fourth ride around the ring - it was three rides around the ring so we also did. And at last me and my dad had our chance to ride.
p.s the birthday horse is my dad's horse ski a stallion; mine is diva a mare.
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My Lucky 7 Horse Party
by Kayla
(Lawton, OK, U.S.A.)
Hey, I'm Kayla and I remember my 7th birthday party out of all my others ones the most. When I was 6 years old I didn't have a party so my parents said "They would throw me the LUCKIEST one ever." And trust me it was the LUCKIEST one ever. I loved it and still wish I could do it all over again.
I always said "Horses are lucky" so, that's how my parents and I got the name "Lucky 7 horse party". I remember my invitations, they had pink glitter all over them (I was wearing most of the glitter by the time I pasted them out)and the card had a white horse on it so, that means the card was shaped like a horse. (I remember feeling so happy and excited when I was pasting them out to my friends).
My parents decided to have my party at our house. We live in a country with a lot of land. So we had it in an open field. For my decorations I had, a BIG horse ballon, my streamers were bows that horses wear to look fancy connected, the table cover had a white horse on it.
Also, some of the other decorations that I had were horse cups, plates, and silverware. (It was cool). My cake was the thing I remembered most of all. My cake was a horseshoe it was beautiful. My cake looked like a real horseshoe I loved it. (At first, I didn't want to eat it) and yes, it was facing up (no bad luck they're good).
My friend's favorite part of the party, other than eating the cake, was the games. Some of the games we played were:
Horseshoes, then a game we made up called "Run, Horsy, Run" - we got these three barrels and then we set them up like you would if you were barrel racing, then we put our feet in these sacks and then raced around the barrels.
Then we played pin the tail on the horse (poor horse). Then we played scavenger hunt - we would use a map to find horse/farm things. Then we got to hit a horse pinata and candy and little toys fell out of it.
My friend's party favors were little hair bows, a horse mask or horse crown (they got to pick), horse rings, coloring pages, their own little horseshoe too, also a little farmer or a little pony, and ALOTS of candy.
What I loved most about this party was because I had my friends and family there to share it with but I really *LOVED* my cake. All my friends said, "They had fun that day and they still remember it too and want to know when I will have another one". (I wish I could do it all again I don't know about my parents, they were the pickup duty that day). And that is my wonderful "Lucky 7 Horse party"