Horses with a Mission: Extraordinary True Stories of Equine Service
by Allen & Linda Anderson
(Minneapolis, MN, USA)
The cover of the book Horses with a Mission: Extraordinary True Stories of Equine Service by Allen and Linda Anderson.
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Twenty-one amazing stories of horses who found their purpose in life. Read about Molly, a pony who survived Hurricane Katrina and the loss of a leg and now spreads her messages of hope to disabled children.
And Sankofa, an Arabian stallion who made it possible for social studies teacher Miles J. Dean to complete a cross-country journey in tribute to African American ancestors. Millions of adults and schoolchildren followed their odyssey as Miles and Sankofa made history come alive. And Diana, a wild horse of the Gila herd who proved to be a proud and resourceful lead mare by protecting her herd and teaching the great lesson of forgiveness.
And Butch, a retired gelding who showed such an unswerving belief in a young girl with profound mental retardation that he restored a mother's hope for her child's future.
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Girls and their Horses
by Christina
(United States)
The cover of the book Girls and their Horses from American Girl.
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This is a great book!
It gives you an inside look on what it's really like to work with horses. You learn about all the special rewards that come from working with horses. You also learn about all the hard work that working with horses brings (like mucking out.)
You read profiles of girls that work with horses in very different ways. For instance there are girls who ride in rodeos. There is also a girl who takes care of miniature horses. There is even a profile of a vaulter (someone who does gymnastics on HORSEBACK!) This book even comes with horse trading cards!
I hope you'll read it soon!
Angel Horses: Divine Messengers of Hope
by Allen & Linda
(Minneapolis, MN, USA)
The cover of the book Angel Horses: Divine Messengers of Hope by Allen & Linda Anderson.
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Thirty-four true stories of horses and their unique ability to turn sadness into joy for those who love them.
Whether granting disabled riders a sense of freedom, healing wounds of childhood abuse, giving troubled teens and lost souls a sense of purpose, rescuing girls from danger, practicing intricate dressage moves, or showing that love never dies, horses bond with their riders in ways that change lives forever.
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Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
by Shreya
(Ohio, USA)
The cover of the book Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul.
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This a GREAT book! It's not really about horses but there are several horse stories in it so I decided to write a review about it.
I've already read some of the horse stories! My favorite story is called " A Different Kind of Angel". It is a you guessed it - horse story. But I'm not telling you what it's about. You'll have to read to find out! Best of all ALL of these stories are TRUE! However some of these stories are really sad, so I recommend that you grab some tissues when you read this book.
Amazing Grays, Amazing Grace
by Lynn
(Poolville, TX, USA)
The cover of the book Amazing Grays Amazing Grace by Lynn Baber.
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"Amazing Grays, Amazing Grace" is a collection of true stories and concepts that lead readers to an understanding of how horses help us to find a closer relationship with God.
Woven into the fabric of these experiences shared by national or world champion breeder and trainer, Lynn Baber, is love, correction, wonderment, obedience, accountability, success, failure, birth and death. But the heartbeat that gives each life is relationship with God.
Follow along as Bo and Swizzle, the amazing gray quarter horses, serve as both teachers and students in this unique book. Each chapter begins with a scripture, then uses the relationship between horses and humans to help the reader understand how it applies to their own relationships with Jesus Christ, parents, friends, and, of course, horses.
How do horses think? How do we become worthy leaders? What is it like to be a horse show judge? How do stallions differ from other horses? What is the limit of possibility between a horse and human?
How can we learn to live a life without fear? What is it that bridges the eternity between earth and heaven?
It is grace - God's amazing grace.
Horse Tales from Heaven: Gift Edition
by Rebecca
(Hamilton, MT)
The cover of the book Horse Tales from Heaven: Reflections Along the Trail With God gift edition.
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Horse lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, and those who appreciate the art of great storytelling will be delighted by these engaging tales of life and faith from contemporary cowgirl Rebecca Ondov.
Breathtaking paintings by artist Chris Cummings transport readers to creation's wonderland, while Ondov's adventures illuminate godly wisdom gleaned along the trail.
Would you like to peek inside? Check out this YouTube video:
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by Sydney
Puddleby the real-life pony bowing. He is a chestnut pony with a white stocking on his right front leg which is out in front of him. His left front leg is tucked under and his head is almost touching the ground. He has Fourth of July themed ribbon tied in his mane and there is Fourth of July streamer decorations on his halter.
Puddleby is a sweet book by Thea Wilcox. It's an adorable story of a pony who finds his true calling. Much of the book is based on actual people and true events.
This is a wonderful book to give to a younger reader - I think about kindergarten through third or fourth grade.
Puddleby Pony is a real pony, and the story behind this book is very cool. The author, Thea, got Puddleby thinking she would train and sell him. But she realized he had a much more important mission. He became part of her mission to help bring up the spirits of people going through very difficult situations.
So 100% of the profits of the sales of Puddleby go to the Going Miles for Smiles Foundation (GMFS, a Florida, not-for-profit organization formed while author Thea Wilcox wrote her book, Puddleby. Thea's dream is to help many, many people in a unique bringing smiles to those who are less fortunate than others.
It may be a child fighting a severe illness who and is restricted to living in a hospital. Perhaps it is the disadvantaged child who has never felt the warm, moist nose of a pony against her skin. Or it might be an elderly person who has no other family, and needs a loving animal to brighten up an otherwise gloomy day.
Puddle’s mission – through the Going Miles for Smiles Foundation – is to bring happiness and special sunshine to those who need it the most.
Buy Puddleby now and support the Going Miles for Smiles Foundation!
Five True Horse Stories
by Jessi
(United States)
The cover of the book Five True Horse Stories by Margaret Davidson.
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Here are some wonderful stories about REAL horses.
JUSTIN MORGAN - the biggest little horse of all.
PACING WHITE MUSTANG - the horse no one could tame.
MISTY - the pony who helped save a whole herd.
CLEVER HANS - the horse who knew all the answers.
and a story about BRIGHTY - a donkey who belonged to himself.
Very happy yet very sad (I cried while reading most of them.) BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR ANY AND EVERY HORSE CRAZY GIRL!!!!!
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Horse Tales from Heaven: Reflections along the Trail with God
by Rebecca
(Hamilton, Montana)
The cover of the book Horse Tales from Heaven: Reflections along the Trail with God by Rebecca E. Ondov.
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It's Time to Hit The Trail!
Author Rebecca Ondov invites you to ... "Saddle up and ride with me, through the pages of my books, for an adventure of a lifetime."
Drawing on 15 years of “living in the saddle” while guiding horse pack trips and working as a wilderness ranger, gifted writer Rebecca Ondov has corralled a collection of these wild-west stories into this book.
Horse Tales from Heaven captures authentic Western life and what it means to depend on God for life, provision, and grace as you ride the trail with Him every day.
Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul
by Gayla
The cover of the book Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul.
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Truly one of the best inspirational horse books...
This book has little chapters in it about people who are horse crazy just like us, but it is sad but it tells the truth of what has happened in the past.
Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul is filled with inspiring stories of rescue and rehabilitation, heartbreaking losses, dedication and commitment, and positive messages of responsibility and unconditional love. Readers will enjoy uplifting and humorous stories that depict the horse's intelligence, versatility and intuitiveness; they will discover the horse's healing powers, marvel at the graceful performance of a Grand Prix Dressage winner, be awed by the stamina and strength of a working horse and the athletic prowess of a champion racer.
In exchange for our love and companionship, horses teach us, heal us, protect us and guide us. Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul is a worthy celebration of a very noble creature.
Chosen by a Horse
by Taylor
The cover of the book Chosen by a Horse by Susan Richards.
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It's about a broken Horse, who fixed a broken heart. Susan thought she was rescuing an abused, abandoned horse, but the horse ended up rescuing her...
Hoof Prints On My Heart
by Mitzy Tait-Zeller (author)
(Swift Current, Saskatchewan Canada)
The cover of the book Hoof Prints On My Heart by Mitzy Tait-Zeller.
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Hoof Prints on My Heart is a poignant and heartwarming recollection of the author’s experiences with horses, her own and those she came in contact with over the last thirty two years.
Her horse experiences shared with family and friends are fondly remembered from a now experienced heart and often in a humorous light.
From a wee girl madly in love with horses to the horsewoman she is today she recalls the humor, the heartbreak and the obstacles that could not deter her love of the equine species. Her dreams and goals change as her horse and life experiences evolve.
Mount up and ride with the author on the backs of the horses that have left hoof prints on her heart.
Review by Sydney from
From the moment you open Hoofprints on My Heart you know the author Mitzy Tait Zeller is truly a horsecrazy girl! She got her first horse Toby when she was ten and she’s been in love with horses ever since. The book tells many stories about her experiences with horses - and there are lots of them in this book. There are also lots of pictures, which are great too.
If you are looking for fun, real-life stories of horses this is a book you should enjoy. This is a book that will also help you learn about the ins and outs of horse ownership, training and breeding. The author shares her knowledge and experience from the Canadian horses she and her family raise. This is real life so things don’t always go the way she planned. And there are some very sad moments. But there are many happy ones as well.
From the author:Hoof Prints On My Heart is my heartwarming story of the beautiful horses that have graced my life and molded me into the horsewoman I am today. Horses have always mesmerized me from the time I was just a little girl and they continue to be my stress relief and therapy in today's crazy world. My journey through life with horses was not always an easy one but as you ride through the pages with me, you will realize that my life with horses is a grand adventure and so worth it all. What are you waiting for? Mount up and ride with me on the backs of the horses that left hoof prints on my heart. More than 80 photos grace the pages of Hoof Prints On My Heart.
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