by Tanner, Gavin & Summer
(Chagrin Falls, Ohio)
Ghostbusters to the Rescue!
What a horse!
Creativity in the ring
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horse and rider halloween costume is amazing! Here's how it was created:
How did you come up with your costume idea?I love the ghostbusters. I watched all the movies a ton of times.
How did you make it? My pony's costume is made from old refrigerator boxes, duct tape and paint. We cut and painted the cardboard.
My pony is also wearing my dirt bike goggles and my baseball cap. Slimmer and his girlfriend are made from styrofoam and plastic from the refrigerator packing.
My friend and I are wearing jumpsuits, my base ball caps and dirt bike goggles that we decorated with ghostbuster stuff. We found inflatable ghostbuster backpacks and vaporizers.
How much does it cost? Free cardboard, $20.00 for jumpsuits, 20.00 for duct tape, 10.00 for paint
Where did you wear it? The County Fair
How did people react? All the people loved it!! When my pony walked the car looked like it was on square wheels. It was so funny. She could care less about the costume.
When I brought it out to try it on her she bit it and started dragging it around. She is very young but sweet.
We only put it on her right before the class - we never even tried it on her before that (afraid she might rip it to shreds).
The other horses went crazy when I started leading her to the warm up ring. She and I were clueless. My mom had to stop me because kids were being bucked off their horses because they were shying from my pony's costume.
Even in the class, she was the only one lined up on the one side. All the 30 other horses would not line up with her they were on the whole other side of the ring.
There was a percheron getting hitched and I asked if I could come through. They said yes, but as we walked up to them the percheron went crazy. He was afraid of cars. He thought she was a car!
How did your horse like it? My pony was rescued from slaughter, she had no experience being shown and was barely broke or anything. She was only 4 in this picture and I was 10. She would do anything for me.