
by Meg

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The movie is about a girl that likes horses. She catches a wild one and she names her Flicka. But, her father doesn't let her keep it so he sells it. She steals Flicka back and they runaway to the mountains.

Comments for Flicka

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Jan 23, 2025
by: Mia

I love this movie!

Nov 26, 2023
by: HorseCraziestGirl

I recently watched this movie and it was good! The main character was kind of rude to her parents (as all rebel horse girls are!), though.

It was good casting, but maybe it was a little cheesy!

I really want to watch the rest of the Flicka movies, too, at some point. Apparently the third one is really good.

Jul 05, 2018
by: Cowgirl

This movie is like my all-time fave movie. I just love it.

Sep 14, 2017
<3<3<3<3 love it
by: TessTopper

Watched all of the Flicka movies 1000000000 times they are soooo good. Yay, Flicka!

Aug 13, 2017
by: Tayla#horses


Sep 01, 2016
The best!
by: Claudiahorselovr

You can never beat the first, original Flicka! I love it! Better than Flicka 2! I like it that it was her brother Howard that had romance in his life, not Katie!

Aug 09, 2016
by: Des


Jun 30, 2016
by: Anonymous

It makes me want to ride my horse

Jun 15, 2016
this movie is the best
by: horserider24

Flicka is the best movie ever! If you haven't watched it, you should. You wouldn't guess how many times I've seen this movie. My absolute favorite movie!

May 28, 2016
Love this movie!
by: Jesus&HorseLover4-ever

I have seen it like (what feels like) 10 times! It is so good! Now this is a good horse movie! :)

Mar 17, 2016
I Love Flicka!
by: Claudiahorselovr


Sep 29, 2015
I Was Really Upset To Read This
by: Anonymous

I'm really sorry to break this to you and I was heart broken to find out. While in production of this movie two horses were killed in the rodeo. This was so sad! I can't believe it and I really loved this movie.

Aug 25, 2015
by: Anonymous

I love it!

Apr 15, 2015
flicka and flicka 2
by: vina

Soooo good!!! It was really awesome! It has many meaningful themes to describe the movies. I don't even know how many times I watched both of them! That's how much I love the movies!!!

Mar 30, 2015
by: Moy9091

I really LOVE this Movie! It's So cool! :)

Feb 09, 2015
Luff Da Movie!
by: Anonymous

I loved the first part and the middle until the lame teacher turned off the tv because it cussed. Teachers ya know? They act like we never heard a cuss word before. geez

Jan 17, 2015
by: crystal

i love flicka and flicka 2! i have both dvds and they are very good. i have even seen flicka 3.

Dec 27, 2014
Best movie ever
by: Kaykay horse lover

OMG!!! This is the best movie ever but the end is soooo sad! I literally almost was in tears! I watched it like a catrilllion times!!!!!! :)

Dec 30, 2013
Great Movie
by: KG

Love this movie, i got it for Christmas a couple years ago.

Nov 19, 2013
by: djdrj


Jun 01, 2013
by: ?

Flicka is an amazing movie. Flicka is so beautiful all because of her shiny black.


May 19, 2013
by: megan

i love this movie!!!!!! I also need someones help finding a particular movie. From what i can remember the girl goes to live with her mom cuz she had this boyfriend who made her steal and she got cot. Then she find this horse all alone with no food or water and then she gets to mom and they start caring for he hose at their house.

May 17, 2013
by: inspiring movie

flicka is a really great movie, i really love it. it just reminds me to never give up in something i believe in. love it!

Apr 13, 2013
by: Anonymous

This gorgeous movie lets out the true spirit of the West. A girl named Katie with a fighter attitude and a wild mustang named Flicka truly touched my soul. The movie reminds me of what we girls should be, fighting for what we believe in. This movie is amazing. It's truly amazing.

Apr 04, 2013
Flicka 1
by: Anonymous

Katy storms of from the table

later she writes her essay i will give you one part of it. Well this is it all

I live on top of the World in the never summer mountains of Wyoming, 8,000 feet closer to the sky. In my mountains, when spring finally comes to save me from a perpetual winter the world comes to life again and I remember what it is I'm here for. I'm the only daughter in along line of ranchers, and when we let our horses out for the first time every spring, I love to watch them rediscover the world. I can see in them an expression of my own restless spirit. Charged with an appetite for adventure they take to the land without hesitation. They are pure power. When I see them running wild I often think of the first horses and how they were the true pioneers of America.
The stories we here of how the west was one were all lies. The history of the west was written by the horse. Wherever a settler left his foot print there was a hoof print right beside it. Man came further and further west to stake their claims on the great American wilderness, but they encountered a strength that could not be tamed: wild horses. The settlers called them parasites that could strip the land and starve their own herd. They couldn't domesticate them so they destroyed them. Isolated and hungry they were on their way to disappearing from the face of the earth. Sometimes when the lie disappears an after image remains, just for a moment mustangs are an after image. No better than ghosts, hardly there at all. No one really wants them not ranchers, not city people. That's their destiny; let them disappear once and for all with all the other misfits, loners and relics of the wilderness no one cares about anymore. Lucky for us a few mustangs survived, hidden away in the mountains. We need to protect them for them, for they are the hope for some kind of living memory of what the promise of America used to be, and could be again.

I believer there is a force in this world that lives beneath the surface; something primitive and wild that awakens when we need an extra push just to survive, like wildflowers that bloom after a wildfire burns the forest black. Most people are afraid of it and keep it buried deep inside them, but there will always be a few people who have the courage to love what is untamed inside of us; one of those men is my father. There was once a time when Americans came west to discover their destiny. Today they seem to move around in every which where, restless and unsettled, but I think they're still looking for the same thing: a place where they can be optimistic about the future, a place that helps them be who they really want to be, so they can feel that this life makes since. A place where they can feel what I feel when I'm riding Flicka, because when we're riding all I feel is… free.

Apr 04, 2013
Flicka 3
by: Rianna Platten

I love flicka 3 and it is the best movie I have ever watched. I wish I had flicka, I never want to see flicka getting hurt. I love flicka so much I wish she was mine. I love the part when flicka wins the competition and lives happily ever after.

Mar 28, 2013
My Fav Movie
by: zubie from S.A

I love Flicka because shes a very special horse, i know u will love it 2.

Jan 24, 2013
by: Anonymous

I love it! I named my horse after flicka!

Jun 11, 2012
I love it
by: Jessica

I have watched It, I almost cried near the end.

Mar 29, 2012
loved it
by: madi

loved this movie, i also loved the old flicka movie too!

Mar 18, 2012
awesome movie
by: Anonymous

I prefer this one over the second one!!!
It's an awesome story :)

Feb 26, 2012
Flicka sssooo gggooodd
by: jade

Flicka is the best movie in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and my friend watched it at the best sleepover. My friend has 1 and 2. I hope there is a third!!!!!

Feb 25, 2012
flicker lov lov lov it.
by: alexa

i have flicker 1 and 2. i've wached it a million times, i really really really love it. it's such a good movie. me and my mom bought it for a sleep over with my friend and we cried when we watched it. i think people who love horses should buy it...

Feb 25, 2012
flicka so good
by: jordan

i have both flicka movies there sooooo goooddd. you would know what i'm talking about if you have it...

Jan 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

this is an awesome movie! It's also sad. But it has a happy ending! I LUV FLICKA!!!!! TWO THUMBS UP!!!!!

Jan 13, 2012
i have the Flicka the horse
by: crazyhorsegirl

i have the Flicka too, it is really good. i love Flicka the horse.

Dec 13, 2011
wonderful, heart warming horse story
by: Damieka

Flicka is a moving, touching story. I have seen it at least 8 times( I've watched it on the first day of summer every year since I was 10. It's sorta a tradition I have.) and it is probably one of my favorite movies. I can relate to Katie so much. And no matter how many times I see it; i still get touched and worried when Flicka drops to the ground and Katie screams "Flicka!". I know practically every line to it! You know a movie is great when you can watch it again and again and still feel the same compassion for the characters you did when you first watch it. Flicka reminds me why I love horses. You can think its cheesy but personally I think its awesome!

Nov 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

I read all the comments and I am SHOCKED to see what some girls wrote. It's like reading your sister's diary, It is boring. Some of these girls need phsycological help. I personally found this movie extravagant, touching, and most of all inspirational. MY OPINION.

Oct 11, 2011
Flicka!! The best horse ever!!
by: Flicka crazy.! horse mad.!

The film flicka is about a girl who finds a wild horse. This young girl is not going to give up until the horse is hers. She names this beautiful black Arabian mare, Flicka Which means Pretty Girl. Flicka is very pretty. This is a film about a girl and her horse with an unbreakable bond.

The film made me cry but i love the happy ending.
I would do anything for Flicka to be my horse. :)

Oct 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

Flicka is about a girl who finds a beautiful black arabian. This girl is not going to give up the fight and trains this young horse and calls her Flicka. Which means a pretty girl.

This is my favorite film because i love horses, i love flicka. she is a lovely horse and i think katie is a great rider. I would love to go to Wyoming one day and meet this lovely little Flicka.

Kaylegih! xx :)

Oct 08, 2011
by: Anonymous


Oct 01, 2011
by: Chloe

This is one of my all time favorite horse movies. I feel so much like Katie did in the movie!

Sep 11, 2011
friendship and lotalty
by: Mac131998

My favorite saying in this movie is, "Where there is a boot print, there is a hoof print right beside it".

Aug 31, 2011
Love it!
by: Bec

It is a happy & sad movie! I liked it very much!

Aug 04, 2011
by: flicka94023

i want a horse just like flika, does anyone knows where i can buy a mustang horse like flicka? please reply.

thank you

Jul 27, 2011
the most amazing movie ever
by: brooke

flicka is my favorite movie I've ever seen before. i wish i could watch it every single night. i wish i could have all the flicka toys. whenever i play with my toy horses it will always be black ones because of flicka. when i gallop jelly bean my little mustang pony i feel like katy riding flicka.

Jul 24, 2011
by: Briana

When I saw Flicka I was happy when it got half of the end cry because the dvd got scratched. THE END!

Jun 26, 2011
I Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: MIkayla

It was a little sad but it was good i love to look at horses. I hope I get a horse like Flicka.

May 30, 2011
Flicka is awesome movie
by: Anonymous

Flicka was an awesome movie(from the parts of it I saw.) The horse was very pretty. I would like to see the entire thing.

May 09, 2011
I Love Flicka!
by: A Horse Crazy Girl

I love this movie because it is so exciting and interesting! I love it.

Apr 03, 2011
Flicka is an awesome movie!!!!
by: Anonymous

Flicka is one of the best movies ever! A girl named Katy who lives on a horse ranch that her father owns was riding her horse in the woods when her horse got spooked by a mountain lion.Katy fell off of her horse and the horse ran away. Then the mountain lion cme out and was about to attack katy when a beautiful black stallion comes and scares the mountain lion away. Then the black stallion being scared itself ran off. Katy keeps returning to the spot where she first encountered the mare in hopes of finding her again. She ends up finding the mare and intends to catch it and the mare starts running pulling katy with her and the mare ends up getting in the middle of something that you will find out about if you watch the movie. Katy's father ends up taking in the mare, and tries to break it, but it was not possible except for katy. When katy's father realizes that katy was secretly riding the mare he sells it. Katy ends up stealing the mare back and on their way home a mountain lion ends up attacking Flicka. Katy was extremely sick when her parents found her outside sleeping next to flicka's almost dead body in the rain. Her parents then take her home, and you'll have to watch the rest of the movie to see what happens.

Mar 20, 2011
Love it,love it.love it
by: Kaitlyn aka Horserider

Omg there are so MANY comments about this movie! Some expressing love,(well MOST expressing love) and some not! But really I find it VERY HARD to believe horses were hurt in the making of this movie! Now I'm sorry to whoever thinks that, but really? I don't think so! Anyway if there were horses hurt in this movie then sorry!

But anyway I love it. I watched BOTH movies time and again! Its amazing, how she puts all her faith in Flicka! Wonderful. I really want to read that book!

Mar 07, 2011
by: Horse lady

This is the best movie ever. It's sad at times though. I mean, im not one to cry during movies but believe me I was about to. The only other movie that made me cry was marley & me. That was sad. Anyway it's awesome. I would recommend it to anyone. FYI flicka is a mare not a stallion. A stallion is a boy. A mare is a girl flicka is a girl. In fact the meaning of flicka is pretty girl. Emphasize on girl. Awesome movie. Used to watch over and over and over and over and over again. Could watch it right now even.

Mar 06, 2011
by: kirsten

flicka is one of the best movies ever!!!!

it is sad in parts but then is happy:)

Mar 03, 2011
by: kenzie

flicka 2 is so sad i started to cry. and at the end flicka has a foal but its sad when they had to let flicka free.

Feb 20, 2011
The Best SHOW
by: Kayla


Feb 20, 2011
A black mustang and the girl
by: Kayla

A beautiful girl and her horse takes a journey and become best friends.

Feb 16, 2011
The movie Spirit should be on this list
by: ireland

i love this movie but you should have the major motion picture movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. that is my favorite movie of all time.

Note from Sydney: Please see this URL for what you are looking for. Thanks!


Feb 15, 2011
by: Ablicanonononomomom

I watched Flicka when I was six, and cried, it gave me nightmares! I watched it again when I was 8, still loved it but it was not as scary, I would recommend to 7 to 8+!


Feb 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

Flicka is a great movie. a teenage girl finds a wild horse and is determined to ride. flicka gets sold by her dad. the girl is so mad she does something. but you have to watch the movie to find out.

Jan 15, 2011
sooooo sad :*(
by: Zoe

i watched this movie on vacation over the summer and i cried!!!!

Jan 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

Flicka best movie ever and fave of all time! I cried when they took Flicka away she couldn't see the sky Katie was so sad and mad! I would be too!

I love this movie and think that Katie and flicka are the same in a way, they both are lonely and confused and just want to be loved! They need each other cuz they get each other and I know when flicka dies so will katie!

My all-time favorite part of the movie is when Katie's dad goes to shoot flicka and Katie comes down stairs crying saying "it's okay daddy you can shoot US!" I cried so much in this movie but in a good way in the end when Katie is galloping flicka bare back and said all I feel is FREE!

I can relate she likes to run away from the world and when shes with flcka it's like the world stops and all that matters is a girl and her horse and I know, we can all relate to that!

Jan 01, 2011
NOT the original My Friend Flicka!!! Different story advertised as "straight from the book"!
by: Kit

Disney took the basic concept of a classic horse story "My Friend Flicka" and its two sequels "Thunderhead, Son of Flicka" and "The Green Grass of Wyoming" all by Mary O' Hara, and changed all but the very base storyline so they could make a movie about feminism and horses.

There are two big common elements between the Flicka Trilogy and the movie- mainly the concept of a young adult wanting to prove everyone else wrong, and a wild horse that everyone claims can't be tamed. But for me, I was very disappointed when Disney advertised the movie as being "straight from the beloved classic book". I could tell from the girl and the black horse on the movie poster that this was NOT the beloved horse story I read as a kid. There's even a Flicka movie trilogy and TV series from the 1940s and 1950s that actually followed the books. So not only is this movie a remake, it's a re-write remake!

I don't mind movies about feminism and horses- go ahead, make them if you want! But please come up with your own original idea, Disney, don't re-write a favorite book of mine because you've got writer's block! The low rating is for Disney pretty much ripping off a classic story and copying and pasting bits of it into a different story- and a highly predictable and cliched one at that. I loved the books, but any chances of them being made into an updated version of the original movie trilogy are gone now. So sad...

I would encourage anyone who wants to read a great horse story to check out "My Friend Flicka". Just don't let yourself be tricked into thinking the book and the movie are the same thing, and you won't be disappointed. (Or anywhere near as confused!!!)

Dec 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

This movie is great for horse lovers. It is exciting and realistic. And it has a very good horse-related plot. I have this DVD at home and watch it often.

Nov 30, 2010
flicka comments
by: Anonymous

best movie ever and i love Tim McGraw in it!

Nov 27, 2010
I have the movie! Seen it a trillion times!
by: Anonymous

Flicka is movie about a girl named Katie... Katie is supposed to write a huge essay, that she had three hours to write...
instead she was daydreaming exactly what she was going to write... she didn't want her dad to find out... but he does eventually...
but before he does she goes into the mountains(where she lives)with another one of her horses, just to ride, but along the way her horse got spooked and and she fell off... it was a mountain lion...
She started running and rolled down a hill...then she found flicka a black mustang who scares off the mountain lion
I don't want to give away the whole movie but there's a little intro for you..

Nov 24, 2010
Flicka 1 & 2
by: Jess;), Blaxland East , Australia

Flicka is an AMAZING heartwarming movie.

Please don't hold a grudge. The 2 horses were killed during the wild horse race, in a rodeo that wasn't even the directors scene. Flicka is a Jet black Mustang filly about the age of 2. PLEASE NOTE I SAID FILLY! Most people have it wrong and say Flicka is a Stallion, but if you listen to the movie carefully it says Filly.

Flicka 2 is also a good movie. I would recommend it to other horselovers like myself.

Nov 17, 2010
Flicka 2
by: Haley USA

Flicka is a super good movie but I haven't seen flicka 2. Is it a good movie like flicka?

Aug 20, 2010
horrible movie
by: Anonymous

the flicka book is soooooooooooooo much better. they just used the name of the book. It`s 99% a diffrent plot. and 2 horses died.

Jul 24, 2010
by: Madeline, Perth Australia

Flicka is an beautiful movie, with turns that make you laugh or cry. Its a movie about a bond between a beautiful black horse(Flicka) and a girl(Katie)

After the stallion had saved her from a great cat she falls in love with him. When she tries to catch the horse(against her fathers wishes) he runs towards where her father was herding up the horses. He takes of with the herd and they run free. Furious her dad gallops after them and catches their new leader. After locking him into a round yard he forbids Katie to go anywhere near this horse. But Katie was already attached to this horse and starts to ride him and gain his trust. When her dad finds out he sells the horse to a rodeo. With a mixture of feelings Katie dresses up as a boy and enters the race choosing Flicka. Reminding Flicka of who she is proves hard in a mixture of dust and terrified horses on the loose. Katie jumps on and gallops off. Unfortunately a tragic accident occurs, Will Flicka be killed? and will Katie break her life threatening fever?

All of the above was written by me, it was not copied from any site.

Great movie, watched it many times and i always cry at the accident! not scary but very heart catching!

Jun 02, 2010
by: Barbara

Katie and I have the samething about your horses.

May 31, 2010
by: Eurydice

Flicka is my number 1 favorite horse movie! The girl's name is Katie, right? I have a charter on demand thing and they have the movie on Free Movies and FX. The cougar bites flicka in the neck.

May 29, 2010
about flicka
by: Rachel

a girl named katie falls in love with a mustang she calls flicka meaning beautiful girl and her dad wont let her get near her in the corraland he is planning to sell her.

May 29, 2010
awsome show
by: Shelby

this girl wants this stallion to be her own horse she trains her and all makes her her own and its an awesome show.

May 29, 2010
horse movie
by: Flicka

It is about a girl who falls in love with a wild horse!

May 29, 2010
must-see horse film!
by: Jessica

It's a gr8 movie about a girl who lives on a ranch and catches a wild horse...her dad gets rid of the horse 2 the local rodeo.......YOU MUST SEE THIS FILM!!!!

May 29, 2010
by: lindsay

flicka is an awesome movie! A girl finds a mustang and her dad won't let her keep it, then when the horse saves her life, the dad has second thoughts. Watch it to find out more.

May 29, 2010
by: Ashley

Its about a girl finding a stray mustang and taking care and teaching it and up being together forever in there love.

May 15, 2010
by: kelseytucker


May 08, 2010
by: jayda

i watched this movie with my with my grandma me and her just loved it but also it was sad

Apr 25, 2010
i luv Flicka
by: Maysrider

I have Flicka and it is a great movie i luve it!!!!!!!!

Mar 22, 2010
by: Anonymous

Flicka is sooo great,I named my toy horse after it! people who don't like that's your opinion!

Feb 07, 2010
by: Horse Crazy Teen

I aboslutly love this movie!!!!!!

i actully watched it last night when i was aspolt to be asleep lol :D

her defination of the power of the great animal we all love just touches deep down in my heart.I find it a beautiful movie in which ppl can begen to understand us girls and how strong our bond with these horses are.


Jan 29, 2010
i did love it
by: Anonymous

i really loved this movie until i found out that 2 horses died in the making. On a different note do any one know where i can buy the flicka soundtrack in australia?

i found it on iTunes but it was not cheap sorry for the long comment

Jan 01, 2010
love it!
by: Hannah

this is my favorite movie ever! i watch it all the time.

Dec 16, 2009
Great move
by: horse lover 4000

I love this movey because at the begening it is funny and then it starts to get realy sad but i still love this movey ok by.

love horse lover 4000

Nov 27, 2009
this film is brill
by: ilovehorses

i watch this every saturday morning befor i go and see my three horses first time i watch this i cryed i dont like it when the horse dies

Sep 23, 2009
by: Anonymous

I DON'T LIKE THIS MOVIE!!! Totally predictable (everyone knows the horse will end up hers!) unrealistic,(a COUGAR?! Just shoot me now why don'cha?!) and all around cheesy, boring sappy and DUMB! IF YOU HAVE'NT SEEN THIS MOVE, DON'T CAUSE YOURSELF THE MISERY! YOU WILL BE A HAPPIER PERSON IF YOU HAVE NOT EXPIERIENCED FLICKA!!!!

Aug 17, 2009
Stunning movie!!!
by: Horselover

Flicka was so far my best horse movie and can't stop watching it!!!! If your a horse lover you must see this movie.

Aug 11, 2009
i looooooove it
by: Mari

this move SO rocks!!!

Jun 01, 2009
This movie is really awesome!!
by: Cathy

This movie is truly awesome!! Iloved and enjoyed it soo much ! you gotta watch it!

Jun 01, 2009
This is a great movie!!
by: Cathy

This movie is awesome! It was so good i have this movie!

May 27, 2009
by: Olivia

I love this movie. It is about a girl who is out riding her horse one morning, and the horse gets spooked by something. The girl falls off her horse and the horse runs away.

Then a vicious puma is on it's way to attack Kate ( the girl). Out of nowhere, a beautiful, jet black mare scares the puma away. Kate studies the horse, but also frightened, it runs away. Kate kept going back to the spot where that mysterious horse had saved her, and finally, kate spots her.

She quickly chases after the horse and catches her, the horse is to strong for her, so she gets pulled off of her horse and dragged along the ground while the horse is running. While her dad is herding the horses, flicka gallops along side of the heard and starts to lead them away. If you want to find out what more happens, your going to have to rent it, or go out and buy it.

Apr 12, 2009
sad, sad, sad, sad, movie.
by: horseLUVER

I was 10 when i first watched and it was the first ever movie i cried in. if i see a horse limping i go mental. ut tha seeing a mountain lion almost KILL Flicka ( one of the most gorgeous horses in the world! other than the ones i ride). Even though its sad its a wicked movie so i would recommend it to ALL horse luvers. infact youll love it even if you dont like horses at all!

Mar 14, 2009
by: Gigi

I LOVE THIS MOVIE. The horses are amazing the scenery is AWESOME if you love horses watch this movie. It did make me cry but is happy also

Mar 12, 2009
at least 2 horses died in the making of this film
by: Anonymous

Don't support this movie, if you love horses you will not love the way these horses were treated! At least 2 horses died during the making of this movie. This is not acceptable movie-making behavior, especially for 2006!

Feb 21, 2009
i loved it
by: Olivia

one of my fav horse movies. i cried the first time i watched it but still its a awesome movie has anyone seen all roads lead home another great very sad horse movie

Jan 18, 2009
by: horsey

Ficka is the Best movie! Its happy and sad at the same time!

Jan 03, 2009
only a horse lovers movie
by: Anonymous

This movie is so good it was such a good movie it made me cry when Flicka was attacked by the cougar. Only a horse lover can understand its intense moments. Any person cant understand as much as a horse lover can. I encourage any horse lover to watch this movie, because you won't regret it you will wont keep watch it over and over again=:)

Jan 01, 2009
Killing horses!
by: Anonymous

2 horses were killed in the making of the movie. It is a good movie but not at the price of a horse's life.

Dec 03, 2008
Like it
by: Bianca from Bronx NY

This movie is about a girl that lives on a ranch and one day when she to round up some horses she sees a black 1 year mustang and the take the horse in to the ranch and she sees her and names it flicka. But than her father does not want her to ride it because he thinks it is to dangerous for her, but she didn't listen and got bucked off so her father ended up sell the horse and she tries to buy her back with money she would like to win

Dec 03, 2008
by: Amanda

It's about a wild horse & a girl who loves to ride.

Nov 24, 2008
by: Ally, australia

Because its got action and its a great experience for people who love the wild and horses.

Nov 16, 2008
by: Mackenzie from London

About a girl who goes to boarding school and for summer she comes back to the ranch and finds a wild mustang and tames her but no one thinks Katy can ride Flicka.

Oct 18, 2008
by: Kim from New York

It is about a wild horse that gets hurt and a boy comes and saves it...i am not going to say anymore!...:)

Sep 20, 2008
Luv it!
by: Christina

A girl found a wild horse and trained it without her father knowing.

Aug 12, 2008
Awesome movie!
by: Christina

I totally LOVE Flicka! I also love Katie! You can tell she has a total love for horses.

Jul 27, 2008
by: Anonymous

It's awesome, you have 2 watch it.

Jul 26, 2008
very sweet
by: Hayley from Sumter SC USA

This movie is about a girl and a wild mustang mare's bond together. It is very sweet and I think everyone should see it!

Jul 15, 2008
Great Movie
by: Jillian

I like Flicka because there is a girl named Katie and she finds this wild Mustang and trys to train it and . . . I like Red Fury because there is an orphan boy who finds a home with a horse trainer and he finds a chestnut Arabian stallion and trains it.

Jul 13, 2008
It is a really great movie
by: Tanae

Flicka is a really nice horse.

Jul 13, 2008
Love It!
by: Anonymous

Because it's about horseys.

Jul 13, 2008
It is a great movie :o)
by: Katherine

I have seen Flick and I loved it (and still love) it. You make me want to watch it right now!!

P.S. Keep on writing reviews.
P.P.S. Visit me at my page, I love horse. See you there!!

Jul 13, 2008
by: Anonymous

Great movie! The story of a girl, who along with a wild ,Mustang mare recover freedom and prove many people wrong about Mustangs. Very touching, amazing!

Jun 18, 2008
Fun with Horses
by: Sierra from California

Flicka is a story about a girl whom is demanded to ride a horse named "Flicka" But yet her dad is very overprotective she thinks because he won't let her ride this horse she named Flicka!

But then she crosses her dads boundary's and does something strictly against the father's rules! First she gets hurt but then all she can think about is Flicka. She will do anything just to be with the special horse!

Jun 16, 2008
Luv it
by: Claire from Virginia USA

I love black horses.

May 28, 2008
by: Daria

Flicka is about a girl that catches a black stallion. She tries to win his trust, but the horse cannot be broken. Watch how a girl battles to win the horse's trust.

May 21, 2008
About Flicka
by: Sasha

A sad DVD about a girl and a black mare. The mare gets attacked by a couger will she live or die? :(

May 04, 2008
Flicka is a great movie!
by: Anonymous

The movie is about a girl who doesn't give up with out a fight!!!

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