I WANT MORE :D Sadee - if you want to read my book, it's called Winter's Secret. Just got put up! Yay : ) But I'm not half as good as you, trust me!
Oct 27, 2013 Rating
Oops by: Sade
Not real publisher I meant real author sorry.
Oct 27, 2013 Rating
NO! by: Sadee
NO! Your books have to be way better than mine. I am actually writing a different book that I want to send to a publisher to see if I can be like, a real publisher. Idk if it will make it! I hope it does, but the book i'm sending in isn't Damage, it is a different book. It is called The magic in Ellie. I like it because it is about these kids who find out they have like, magic powers. It might be a little dumb to you if you don't like fantasy. About Damage though, I wrote chapter 12, so i hope it comes out soon!
Oct 26, 2013 Rating
:D by: Stormy
Nooooooo problem! Actually, it's not on here but I write a lot. I've written like... well, over thirty full-length books... But they aren't half as good as this. I WANT MORE OF DAMAGE!!! I'm dying here lol! :D
Oct 26, 2013 Rating
Wow! by: Sadee
Thank u sooooooooooooooo much again! What is ur book called I want to read it! And, thanks for well, understanding the story! I'm so happy i'm not alone on this one!
Oct 25, 2013 Rating
NP! by: Stormy
No problem!! Hey - some people aren't as fast as others. (No offense to those who commented below!!) I LOVE your style of writing. I'm an authoress as well, and attempt to write stories, but none of them are half as well written as this. And by the way, I understood what the horse called 'mane' two seconds after I read it. It makes total sense!! If someone on an island never met a horse in their life, they would call the mane hair; because they are familiar with that! Obviously, riders can not communicate that. Hehehe!!! :D GREAT job!!! I am looking forward to more! EEEEEEE!!! (squeal of anticipating delight)
Oct 24, 2013 Rating
Thanks by: Sadee
Thank you sooooooooooooo much. At the moment I was feeling a little down about other comments on my story. I didn't know if I should write this anymore because of what it said. It made me really sad, then you posted that and I jumped up and said FINALLY! SOMEONE ACTUALLY LIKES IT! Thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
Oct 23, 2013 Rating
Amazing! by: Stormy
You are such a creative writer - do not let anybody tell you you can not write! I am so impressed; great job!
Oct 23, 2013 Rating
:D by: Stormy
WOW!!! You're such an amazing writer! GREAT JOB!!! :-)
Oct 12, 2013 Rating
Cathy by: Sadee
Cathy is a human. The horse doesn't know that her hair is called you know hair so it calls her hair a mane.
Oct 10, 2013 Rating
confusing...? by: Anonymous
It's very confusing and like is cathy a horse or a person cause you said she had a mane....
Oct 05, 2013 Rating
good but by: Anonymous
it's nice but some of it i was confused and it's not very realistic.
Oct 03, 2013 Rating
Please by: Sadee
Please post comments, I sort a kinda need to know what you think!