

The cover of March 2005 horsewyse magazine.

The cover of March 2005 horsewyse magazine.

You should really look into Horsewyse magazine!!! It's SO good, I collect them and I love them!

It's a mag for young horse lovers. It has comps, activities, interesting articles, and HEAPS more. It has articles from the horse's point of view and the rider's point of view. It is for every age (even though it's for young horse lovers!) with the mascots; Starbuck, Twilight, Soda, and Radish, this magazine is fun and interesting and you can't put it down!!!

if you want more information on horsewyse, go to...

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Dec 25, 2017
Horsewyse is the best.
by: Horseartist

I really love this magazine. Its got me into entering computations. And the editor is so nice and friendly and helpful if I have a problem.

Jul 29, 2014
HorseWyse Magazine
by: Anonymous

HorseWyse is 'horsesome'! A great quality mag with FAB articles and heaps of giveaways too :)

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Return to Horse Magazines. (Online Magazine)

by Kailee
(Chadron NE )

There is also this really cool online magazine called where horse things are for sale. Visit and if you buy something they will send you magazines for free!

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Western Riding

by Celina
(Spruce Grove, Alberta Canada)

The cover of an unknown edition of Western Horseman magazine.

The cover of an unknown edition of Western Horseman magazine.

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Western riding is an informational text. It tells about what happens. It also has some info on rodeos and care.

My mom bought me this magazine for Christmas. It's more for the kids or teens than for the 5-12 year olds. I recommend it for the teens and adults but kids under 12 could still read it.

What I meant when I said it's more for the teens and adults is that its basically just information. It doesn't have colouring contests or games. Just info on stuff for people looking to build a barn. There is a couple houses in there for sale and some horses. You should check it out for yourself to make a total decision whether you should buy or not.

If you live in Spruce Grove comment!

Note from Sydney:

Is this the magazine you are talking about?

Western Horseman (1-year auto-renewal)

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Aug 02, 2011
by: Celina

Hey Sydney

I am talking about the magazine.

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Young Rider

by Sydney

The cover of the November/December 2007 edition of Young Rider magazine.

The cover of the November/December 2007 edition of Young Rider magazine.

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Young Rider magazine is so much fun!

My Aunt Gail got me a subscription and I love it. It is a bi-monthly magazine that is geared toward teens who own horses or those who take riding lessons. The magazine also features pictures of kids riding and caring for their horses.

Great photos, stories and fun things to do make this magazine really fun to learn about horses!

Comments for Young Rider

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Sep 18, 2016
by: Anonymous

This is the best magazine ever!

Jul 10, 2016
I love Young Rider!!
by: AHorseLovingGirl4ever

I absolutely love this magazine!! :D

Jul 11, 2015
I love this
by: livelovehorses

I just got a subscription for my 12th birthday and it is totally awesome. The pics are great for making a horse collage for your room!

Jun 19, 2014
by: HorseCrazy4-HGirl

I've been looking for the PERFECT horse mag for me, and the more i search, the more I think this is IT! :)

Jul 20, 2011
Young Rider
by: Akoiya

Ok, once again, this is no book....but still amazing. In every issue, Young Rider has a fitness column, an ad index, English and western lessons, Q&A, a barrel ,racing star from Washington(hey hey hey), a Q&A for horse questions, short story, where you have taken your magazine, you and your horse, classified adds, and a true story about horses. Then they also add articles for whatever is going on in that time (WEG, Summer camp, etc.)

Jun 27, 2011
by: Madison

Young Rider is the best of the best magazines i have ever read. It mixes fun with horse sense in just the right way. Nothing is too cheesy or "lame" (get it "lame". LOL). It is perfect! I recommend it too all my BFF's!!

Jun 02, 2011
by: The best!

Young rider is THE BEST!!!! No other horse magazine can beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get it today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 09, 2011
Young Rider
by: Anonymous

This magazine has a lot of things you can learn for ages 8-16 years old. You can read Western Lesson, English Lesson, A fictional horse story, Me and my mag, Me and my horse, contests, POSTERS!! and more.

I recommend this magazine. It's my favorite! Either reading it at your house or the barn. It's really a good magazine.

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Return to Horse Magazines.

Equine Magazine!!

by Julianna
(McMurray, PA, USA)

Okay, first of all, if you're like me and love to read every single thing in a magazine (including ads and page numbers!!!) and you love long magazines, you'll love this. Equine has sections inside the magazine--Eastern USA, Northeastern USA, so on. It has showing tips, dates of shows and races, information, pictures, articles about riders, coupons for horse stuff and lots more. It is so awesome! I found out about it when I was at my stable and waiting for my lesson to begin, and I picked it up and read some it. It is so big, but worthwhile to read!

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Sep 18, 2011
Sounds good but...
by: Horsecrazygirl Sydney

I can't find this magazine online. Is it Equine Journal or Equine Monthly magazine??

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