Omelet the Spanish Mustang - a horse story

by Izzy
(Catskill, Ny)

This is a story of adventure, The story of a mustang.

Before I get started, I want to tell you about what this story is and if it's real and all that fun stuff. So no, this is not a real horse that I am basing this on. This is based on my big Schleich horse collection (100+).

I tell stories all the time to my brothers (I have 3) so I thought it would be fun to share with you guys. If you don't know what Schleich are, they are a realistic brand of animals. They are from Germany, and are made from all over the world.

If you haven't read my other story, Zarah, Dodger, and Adventurer, you should totally check that out. Well, here I go!

Hello. My name? Omelet. I used to be a Spanish mustang. Not so wild, Not young, here I am.

I am from wild horses and herds of different horses and stories. My sire was called Spirit's thunder. My mom was called Wind. People would never know these things. If I tried they would hear horsie neighs and snorts.

One day the sun was out, and I was grazing on lush green grass. A huge silver bird swooped close, closer than any bird would. From its belly came men, 2-legged with colorful bowls over their heads.

I was frightened, confused and scared. I told the herd to run. My call was urgent and the herd ran, faster then we ever have.

It was good we had, because the silver bird landed. More men came and horses too. The 2-legged hopped on the other horses. HOPPED ON! Then I was very, very confused.

I was rounding the herd up. The air was a snake, that slithered. It got me, and wrapped its poisonous jaws around me but the herd escaped. I do not know what happened to them after. If they are alive or dead, I don't know. I can only hope.

They loaded me in the metal bird. Its tail opened and the men forced me inside. I kept fighting, but it was no use... There was too many men. And there were too many snakes.

They glided through the air before latching on to my legs and neck. They had deadly poison that killed your spirit. Every time I see a snake, I try to kill it, to make their race pay for torturing me that one day. Thinking on it now, I wonder how it could have made a difference, but when I was younger I felt like I had won a battle.

I felt mighty and strong. Like I was still wild.

I could hear the other horses on both sides of me. The place was little and I was scared. I kicked a mighty kick. It didn't budge, but my hooves stung and that fueled my anger. I kicked and reared.

It was no one was buying, so they closed down the shop and they sold off the rest of their horses. Lisa came and bought me and Fire, another mustang stallion.

I am 15 years old now and was bred to Sophie and we had a filly, Dawn of a new day, who I have to say looks a lot like me. She bred to Oreo, a young piebald pinto. They had a little filly named Horizon. That means I am a Grandpa.

A rough cowboy named Mike is coming in my stall. He is nice enough. But I prefer Mia. Mike reminds me of those men who shipped me off.

Mia is a little filly. She owns 2 mini horses. Mia barely comes up to my shoulder. She is a little afraid of horses. But not me. I am a sweet puppy around her, which makes Mike a little jealous. He is supposed to be training.

That is my life story. Hope it isn't too boring!

By, Omelet.

Hi guys! I am going to be changing my username from Isabella (Izzy) H. to Izzy because it's just easier. Thank you for reading! If you like schleich comment and if you liked the story comment. I will try to respond. Thank you! :)

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Sep 21, 2023
Story about Omelet
by: Sydney from

Thanks Izzy! I especially loved your opening paragraphs. They really caught my attention. Hope you'll continue to write about Omelet!

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