
by Eden
(East Anglia)

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Ruth Hollis, an 11-year old horse mad girl, is fed up living with a non-horsey family. Saving up enough money, she buys the characteristic - but unsuitable - Fly-By-Night and keeps him in her back garden, knowing nearly nothing about keeping a horse.

Although she thinks her dreams have come true, her troubles have only just begun...

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Awesome Book
by: Anonymous

I love this book, a lot! Found it in my school's library, absolutely loved it! Also, the same author wrote the book "Blind Beauty" its another horse book, I highly recommend it :)

by: Windcall

I've never, EVER heard of this book! I'll have to look for it at our library. Funny thing is, there is a newer book, not about horses, that is also called Fly By Night! It's a REALLY GOOD book; even though it isn't about horses, you should check it out!

Windcall *:-)

Love this book

I read this a few years back but I can still remember the story coz it's a great book. It's about how Ruth buys Fly-by-Night but has a lot of trouble training him and buying food, tack and other things for him. She makes friends with this snotty rich girl called Pearl. Pearl always ill-treats her Arabian mare and it really gets on Ruth's nerves.

This book is a bit old-fashioned but really nice.

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