Blue : A story told from the horses point of view

by Jade
(Temecula, California)


I remember when I was just a colt, a troublemaker. My dam had a dark grey coloring with an all-white head and one sock, and my sire, a blue roan with no markings. I guess I resembled my sire more, for I was a blue roan with one stocking on my front leg and a sock on my hind leg. I remember where it all began. I'm Blue, and this is my story.

Chapter One:

I started to wobble, my legs trying to give out on me. I didn’t give up. It was about 40 minutes or so when I finally found balance and started to nurse. That warm, sweet milk from my dam was the best.

My dam was a dark grey mare with an all-white head and one sock on her hind leg. I never saw my sire, though Mother told me he was a blue roan, just like me, with no markings at all. I guess I was more my sire than my dam.

One day, I went exploring, away from Mother. I saw a little fuzz ball, but that fuzz ball looked sharp. As I walked up to the thing, my senses seemed to scream "Stay Away!".

I didn't listen.

The fuzz ball started walking away and said, "Stay away, or else you'll get hurt!". I replied with a nicker and decided to stay away. I knew what hurt felt like, a pain like how I fell so many times.

I galloped back to Mother and told her what I had found. She said, "That was a porcupine, my dear. Hopefully, you stayed back?"

I replied with a "Yes, Mother." She went to grazing, and I decided to nurse, then nap. Soon I awoke. Mother and I had to move, as we were wild with predators all around.

We started trotting up the hill. I started cantering and looked to where I was going. Oh no! A cliff, a steep drop if you fell down too! I tried to brake. Mother started yelling, "Stop Blue! Stop!"

I tried so hard to stop, but I couldn't. I was almost to the edge!

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Sep 24, 2023
Good start!
by: Sydney from

Hope you'll keep writing.

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