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Nov 05, 2011
by: Kaitlyn

Thanks to everyone that commented!!! It really helped narrow done what pony breed would be best. Thanks :)

Oct 26, 2011
Hi Kaitlyn
by: Unicorn

It all depends on your size, your riding and the individual horse. Breeds do make it easier, but each horse is one of a kind!

If you're a tall rider, or might grow into one soon, I would suggest a larger animal like the bigger types of Welsh pony. But if you're petite and likely to stay that way, perhaps something more in the direction of the Exmoor would suit you. I'm not an expert on these breeds and not sure about their jumping ability, but I think it's unlikely for a Welsh cob or little Exmoor to be a great jumper, though I knew a super little Welsh mountain pony who could jump over 3ft.

It always depends on the individual horse and rider. The best breed for you might be (for the sake of example) a Welsh Section B, but don't just jump in and buy any old Welsh Section B - you might end up with a monster that bites, bucks and stops at jumps. On the other hand you might find, for example, an Exmoor pony that's perfect for you. It all boils down to the particular horse and rider.

Have LOADS of fun! You are very lucky to be getting your own horse! I have 5, I should know :)

Oct 21, 2011
Welsh Section B
by: Anonymous

You'll out grow the other horses soon.

Oct 21, 2011
by: Anonymous

I'd say go with your favorite. Though I'm right partial to the Welsh Cob:)


Oct 18, 2011
If it was me I would choose
by: Anonymous

Well if it was me I would choose the Welsh Pony but go with your instinct on which you like the best.. I hope I helped. Good luck(:

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