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Apr 05, 2018
Happy Trails
by: Horse crazy

Take him on a trail ride alone.

Mar 27, 2018
trust help
by: helping horses

Blow into your horse's nose for a kind hello. it helps.

Dec 10, 2017
I know how!
by: Anonymous

One of the ways to build trust is by grooming but also gymkhana games are a good way to build trust. And just spending time with him will help too. Also finding things that he likes and does not like so that you can please him will get a lot of trust.

Aug 12, 2016
Comment :)
by: Horse-Lover-Forever

Grooming is a great way to gain a bond with a horse. Make it a regular thing to do with your horse.

Take him out for plenty of relaxing hacks and feed him little tidbits. You could put him on a lead rein and lead him around a quiet field.

Hope I helped!

Jul 27, 2015
Trust Issues
by: Anonymous

Okay I don't know what you and your horse are like 24/7 but I hope I can help with the knowledge I have.
Let's just get this straight. Horses are herd animals. You have the leader, the low or bottom horses, and the middle horses. If you only have two horses in a herd then one is the leader and the other one is two. I don't know if you have any other horses with him but it seems like he is the leader and you are the two (low/bottom and middle). In order to get this horses trust you will have to be the smart, fearless and dominate one.
If he pushes you, you are the lower.
If he tries to kick you, you are the lower.
If he tries to bite you, you are the lower.
If he makes you move out of his space, you are lower.

If this horse doesn't see you as the leader then he's going to make himself the leader in order to be safe as he doesn't trust his owner.

Also, you do not "pet" horses. They aren't dogs or cats. They're not pets. They're companions. Don't pet them, instead give them nice rhythmic rubs. Think like a horse, not a human. If you treat your horse like a pet he will see weakness and will think he has to take charge and that's what horses do, the strongest have to and will take charge.

If you feed them, groom them and love them that does not make you higher. Anything you do that doesn't require a horse to submit to you, does not make you higher. Confidence and action teaches horses to respect.

"It's a really simple and accurate way of making sure the strongest and smartest is in charge. Don't confuse this with being neurotic and always picking and pushing your horse "making him respect your space" all the time. That only shows fear and lack of trust and the horse will know the difference."

Dec 02, 2014
Building Trust
by: Alyssa the horse gentler

Here are 4 things that might help:
1.Blow into his/her nose this will build trust this is how horses become friends!
2.Study your horse!
3.Groom as much as you can[every day if you can!]
4.Go to some where where you can get books and study horse friendship!

Jan 10, 2014
by: Anonymous

Okay, dumbest title ever for my comment title, but anyways, get to know your horse even better! Find out where he likes to be scratched, rubbed and massage. Also, when your waiting, or just wanna spend sometime with your horse, when you get in your stall, greet him and start giving him a shoulder or crest massage! My horse LOVES getting massaged, and by now, I know all the spots where he likes to be petted in. And, yes! TIME is very important when it comes to trusting your horse, and your horse trusting you, like one of the other comments said. :) I really hope this helped and good luck!!

Jul 03, 2013
join up
by: barrelracinggirl

Try join up. Its fairly simple. It helped with my horse.

Feb 14, 2013
by: Anonymous

Most people would say ride him and so on and so forth but i say spend more time walking him and let him be the first horse you see when you come to the barn/stables.

Aug 20, 2012
Thank you:)
by: Christina

Thank you all so much, y'all have helped me a lot. I have had Oliver for almost two years and he loves me but sometimes he ignores me. He will be totally fine one second and then he will start being lame. Same goes with riding him, I ride/lunge everyday and I will be loping a circle and then he will start rearing and bucking(just little bucks) I just don't understand.... I wish he could talk. :D

Aug 17, 2012
Not an expert but.....
by: Sienna

I guess you could spend as much time as you can with your horse and always give it pats when it's done, something good and every now and then give it some treats like a carrot or something. Ride it as much as you can and talk to it too!!!! I know it might sound a little bit silly but the horse thinks it can be really comforting too!

Hope this helps! Sienna

Aug 17, 2012
by: Lina

Hi, Brush him a lot. Clean out his stall more. Take him on lots of rides. Hose him off on warm days. Give him treats when your done riding. Brush him before and after riding. Spend lots of time with him.
Hope this helps! Need more? Just comment and I'll re-comment more! Lots of love, Lina

Aug 17, 2012
Hi there
by: Unicorn

The only way I've ever convinced a horse to trust me is by one thing: time. There are probably better ways I haven't discovered yet, but time worked for me. Feed him, groom him, ride him, talk to him, hang out with him, watch him eat, scratch his itchy spots. Get to know him and he'll get to know you. It doesn't happen overnight, but it sure is worth it. If you keep him at livery it might be hard to spend time with him, but it's a start!
Good luck

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