Comments for My Pony Romeo: HELP ME PLZ

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Jul 07, 2016
I understand!
by: Anonymous

Try going on a trail ride with his buddy and then have Mudpie walk ahead while you make your horse halt and stay until he is out of sight. Praise him. When you go to follow his buddy make him walk slowly... Circle him if he starts to go fast. Horses are social animals and you can't stop them from having buddies!! So just love your horse!

Dec 28, 2012
by: Anonymous

i know how u feel i use to ride a brangus calf until he started skinning my leg on the fence. and i am so HAPPY :) that i got a horse for x-mas!

Sep 22, 2012
be the boss
by: mn cowgirl

defiantly lunge him, and only have your trainer/horse person (i don't have a trainer, i just have a bunch of people with different advice) and ur pony. leave mud pie behind. and get used to him and bond with him before u try to jump him. jumping is kinda new for him since he has u on board, and he needs to know u r the boss before u do any kind of event with him. since he is a pony he might not be fond of jumping. mine just runs over it. lol. but mainly work with ONLY him, and have help. don't be afraid to ask, i beg people when my horses start getting a lil sour. and be the boss, since he's kinda new he's gonna test u a lot. that's why he's swerving. next time he does that get him in a straight line where u wanna go, if he doesn't go use a crop/bat and **TAP** him on the bum. he is REALLY adorable!!!!! very very cute, good luck, and happy trails ;)

Aug 27, 2012
by: April S.

Just remember that his whole job as a pony has been to stick close and walk with his buddies to give rides. Be patient while he learns his new job. First, practice riding him in the pen with his buddies. And take some time to encourage him to follow you around the pen while you walk on the ground (keep some small treats in your pocket to give him once in a while). This will build his trust in you. Then ride him just near the pen where his buddies are so he can still see them. If he stays calm, ride a little farther away. If he gets anxious, go back a little closer to his friends. Keep your rides short. It will take time but eventually he will trust you that he will get to come back home and see his friends at the end of the ride.

Aug 27, 2012
by: S.Payne

Here's some ideas:
*Lunge him, alone
*Ride him alone, often
*Try to pasture him alone some, or alternate who he is pastured with so he doesn't become attatched.
It won't fix itself over night. It will take some work to get him to realize that he cant do that. Be consistent with scolding him or turning him in circles, because if you let him get away with it once, he will continue to do it because he knows he will win.

Aug 25, 2012
Show him who is boss and lunge him
by: Anonymous

When You are in your saddle and he is acting up try turning him in circles to make sure you show him who is boss and i agree with what other people are saying, i think that you should try to lunge him first.

Aug 24, 2012
help with ponies
by: izzy

have you tried lunging him for a hour?

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