Comments for My horses... Bad and Worse

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Apr 05, 2016
by: Writer

Thanks guys for your comments! I ended up getting another horse from a place where I rode often. I had to sell my pony because he would beat up the new horse. He went to a horse stable to help a little girl to not be afraid to ride anymore and to be a stud pony. I have decided to keep them now because I think the pony was more advanced than I could handle but now I can handle both of my horses. Thanks for your input!

Apr 04, 2016
by: Anonymous

Guys, I bet she already sold them.

Nov 17, 2014
STOP!! i can help!!!
by: Anonymous

WAIT!!! you don't have to sell!!!! and don't sell!!!! I know a way you can calm them with your hands but I will get to that later!!!

If you MUST get rid of them give them to a rescue and work there so you can visit them. Often when people sell horses they end up at an auction at some point in there life to go to slaughter. You may have picked a good home for your horse but that doesn't mean if the other people want to sell they will do the same. and if you need more money you could get a job or whatever until your horse is more trained to MAYBE start doing riding lessons on them?...

But to calm them take your palm and gently rub them all over there body until your horses eyes get soft and they look focused on you. Start with the face (use hands not palm for face) then once you do the whole body if they look focused on you go back to the head and see if they put their head down. horses rarely let there guard down. i

It's okay if they don't it might take time. If he looks calm do bonding lunging. if you don't know what that is I will tell you:) if you have a lunge arena great! let him go in there while you stand in the middle. that's his free time.

Remember you're on the horse's time so be patient...once he looks focused on you and notices your in there with him you get to work! Try to gain his trust. you can look it up online for more info. but begins your training. And honestly no bodies going to buy them if they don't have good training.

Comment from Sydney at

Thank you for sharing these sound like you really love horses like so many of us do!

Aug 20, 2014
try this
by: seneesha

i think if u really have to sell them try to give them to a nearby riding school and work there or give them to a nearby farm and visit them. poor horses i wish i could do something I HATE THE PEOPLE WHO DID THAT TO THEM UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try the things i told i really hope u will be able to keep them if u want to earn some money u can go to some small businesses in the neighborhood or something.

Apr 29, 2014
by: Anonymous

k, i love the cool and calm stuff. it really helps. also, i like the idea of selling (do not be 2 picky if they don't offer much but don't get ripped off!!!!) maybe sell to a nearby stable or riding school and work there.

Jan 05, 2014
by: Anonymous

I agree. Ask somebody to train your horses. I also recommend giving them Cool and Calm Horse Food and Cool and Calm Horse Supplement. That's what we give my horse and it works. To help your horses behave when the farrier comes give them the Cool and Calm Paste, massage them before hand, lunge them before the farrier arrives, and put a chain around their mouths so they can't misbehave. Give the horses the Cool and Calm Paste four hours before the farrier arrives. That's what we do with my horse and it works. She's responding to training. Good Luck and I hope this helps.

Dec 10, 2013
Solve your problems!
by: Anonymous

You should sell them to a riding school near you and maybe get a job there. You can spend time with them, get more experienced and maybe earn some money.

Nov 18, 2013
by: The Writer

Money is also an issue as I do not have steady income. I have about $150 left maybe a slight bit more.

Nov 08, 2013
Don't sell plz
by: Anonymous

I don't think you should sell them, I mean you obviously have a strong bond with them. Maybe you could get someone to help train them.

Nov 06, 2013
by: reina

go online and look up ways to train your horse because when you sell them it is important to tell the potential buyer about the horses history.

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