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Apr 25, 2011
by: Amy

Cute story, but I have to say I don't believe you. Mares don't just unexpectedly "have foals" They have to have access to a stallion, who breeds them, and there are other signs, such as their nursing area starts to swell, and will leak milk at times. They will stand awkwardly sometimes, and you will know if she is in foal, if you had taken her to a vet in that long period of time. Horses take a while to go into foal as well as humans. I can almost guarantee that the vet would have figured out if she had been in foal. If your stories are not real, please put that, at, like, the bottom or somewhere. :) Sorry if I sounded mean. It just really annoys me when people just say "My horse unexpectedly had a foal!" because in reality, you would know. All the signs would have been there, and you should have taken her to the vet in that period of time, even if you didn't know, you're probably getting at least vaccinations, and the vet would've figured it out, so sorry. I'm not trying to be mean. Just making a point. :)

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