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Jan 31, 2017
For Alyssa the horse gentler
by: Anonymous

Hi, this is for Alyssa the horse gentler... I was wondering if your ever read the Winnie the Horse Gentler books. I am best friends with the girl, who I believe also asked you this question. We have both read those books and are huge fans of them. We were just wondering if you had read them because you sound JUST like the main character, Winnie. We love reading your comments! All the best to you!

Jan 31, 2017
by: Anonymous

Well to start with, you can feel when a horse is getting ready to buck. His head is low, his back is humped, his weight is shifted to the front end of his body.

If he starts to buck try to ride the buck. Melt in the saddle and don't grip with your legs or knees because that will throw your balance off.

If he starts to buck bend his head from side to side and turn sharply to throw his balance off. That will make it a LOT harder to buck.

You should also see if he's in pain anywhere. Maybe he's bucking only to try to tell you he's hurting. Check out his whole body and his tack.

And I also 100% agree with Alyssa the horse gentler that you should use a bridle. That's what they are there for. To help control your horse!

Hope this is helpful and I wish the best for you!

Dec 19, 2016
My horse
by: Macy

My horse did the same thing. Turned out he had sore hips and ribs (he is a old horse)! So maybe have your vet out.

May 13, 2016
Do you?
by: Anonymous

I have a question for Alyssa the horse gentler... Do you read the Winnie The Horse Gentler books?

May 13, 2016
I totally agree
by: Anonymous

I again totally agree with Alyssa the horse gentler! Riding helmets were made for a reason and so were bridles. And blowing into the nostrils of a horse is an old Indian trick to show a horse you mean him/her no harm.

Dec 01, 2014
by: Alyssa the horse gentler

First off, no bridle? To fix that try riding with a bridle!! And for safety try a riding helmet!

Also, get closer to your horse. Let him/her know you're his/her friend.

Try this... blow in his/her nose. Hf he/she blows back, he knows you're friends! Also, spend everyday, watch how he/she behaves. Study it and learn what it means!

Nov 27, 2014
by: kylie

all these horse crazy girls are right but you should contact the owner and find out if he doesn't like too canter or what. you can also ask a horse trainer to see what's wrong if its not something the vet can fix.... and if the trainer doesn't work... I hate to say this but you might want to sell... BUT GIVE IT TO A LOCAL RESCUE OR A GOOD HOME NOT THE AUCTION!!!! HORSES NORMALLY DON'T MAKE IT OUT ALIVE THERE!!!!!!!

Aug 25, 2012
by: Shinney

Thanks! :) i'll try these things and again thanks. :P

Aug 24, 2012
Good luck...
by: Christina

I would lunge him and see if you are having any trouble without anybody riding him, then if he is still bucking then i would contact your local vet because he might have some pain in his back, legs, etc... And if he isn't bucking while you are lunging him then it might be the saddle. I'm not expert just trying to help a fellow horsecrazy girl:) Good Luck!

Aug 24, 2012
Hi Shinney
by: Unicorn

Does Trouble do this with a bridle?
Have you tried lunging him without a bridle? He might not understand what you're saying with your hands without a bit.
I hope you get to the bottom of this - be careful!

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