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Jul 13, 2011
thanks guys!
by: jakiebabe

Thanks so much guys!

What they Always call me: definitely taking your advice. I actually am trying to find a stable where I can take lessons. Western. I have a friend who has a barn and I will board the horse there for free, with feed, hay, a pasture, water and i have to pay for vet,farrier, floater. Normal cost. I also have to pay extra for a stall. Only like 50 because I am family friend. She is moving one of her old arena and trail horse down for the summer, and I'm be in charge of her on the weekends, in exchange for riding. She is the best!

Rayna- thanks! i am already doing the jar thing. If you read my comment I say the jaar thing. Also it will take longer because I go to this horse camp, that serves as a lesson-somewhat- and I have to pay for some of those, they are expensive. 200 for like 2 days, but it's worth it.So i am saving for lessons, horse, and camp!

Carrigan- I am going to take my time, but it's hard. Also i think it's going to be hard, but easy to let Jake go. He is the only horse I really like at the camp I go to, but I am sure i will find another.

thanks for all the advice everyone. Check out my new blog...... Blog:Please Read

Jun 12, 2011
go canterwood crest academy!!!
by: Anonymous

yeah! canterwood crest is OMG amazing! and don't rush buying a horse i mean, what if you end up buying the wrong horse?

Jun 11, 2011
Heres what I think!!!
by: Kaitlyn aka Horserider

Just to start I love the Canterwood Crest series! Its great. Sasha is amazing, and so are her friends!:)

But anyway, yes I think you should start saving if you really want a horse. It will show that you are responsible and really want a horse. But don't rush into things. Make sure the horse you find is the one you really want. Oh and make sure you know its habits, and if it is spooky or not. That's what I think.

Jun 10, 2011
by: author

Thanks guys! I will totally take everyone's advice... taking it slow, using a jar, taking lessons, and so on... also I just got back from the camp with Jake in it, and -oh yeah i have all summer with him, well 3 weeks- the owner, they're-not saying name- says the people that are supposed to be buying him haven't called since like forever...

Jun 09, 2011
Hello! Hope this helps!
by: What they (Always) call me

Trust me, I have quite a few horses. Start slow. Get all the details you need a learn as much as you can. Then ease into the buying process. Get all the supplies you need and choose the right equestrian center. Chat with the equestrian center's owner and see the advantages combined with the price. Search every equestrian center in the state. Horses don't come as a gift. You have to earn them, and keep in mind that owning a horse costs money. Lots of it.

Also, know the horse's habits, and give it a few tests ride before buying it. If your a beginner, I suggest riding lessons and daily riding. Dont start riding on your own until you know your horse well and you can ride easily. Start small, and go bigger. Horses arent easy.

Jun 09, 2011
This is meh!
by: Rayna

I have a jar in my room called "My Horse Fund" I have all my money in their for the future, like my savings. I also have a $100 set aside for lessons which I will start this summer (YAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) That's how I'm starting. ^^

Jun 08, 2011
by: Carrigan

Canterwood is O-MAZ-ING. But for horse wise, just don't rush into buying a horse, wait to you find the horse as good as Jake :) hope this helps.

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