Comments for Help! Distracted Horse...

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Mar 25, 2014
by: Tori Martin

Ok do some ground work (Clinton Anderson is good) lunging is great! gets him to focus on you, when you ride. I want you to do a lot of circles, leg yielding, etc. You might want to look into possible using a snaffle bit instead, Do not use a figure eight bridle or anything. My horse use to have the same problem.

Aug 29, 2013
get the horses attention
by: Anonymous

I also ride a horse that gets distracted(hes not mine i just ride him for my friend) and what i work on with him is bending. i will put leg pressure on one side and bend his neck to the same side that i'm pressing my leg on. Maybe the horse your friend has is bored? maybe you could do lateral work, which includes leg yields, shoulder ins and haunches in. try to miss things up and make the horse stay focused on what your asking it. you could also try to do some Liberty work? if you learn how to do it, i've found, that it really helps your horse pay attention to you. and one last thing (sorry this is a lot of stuff haha) you can just to ground work in hand and when your horse isn't paying attention you can make a "sshhhttt" sound. it would probably get its attention. and if it doesn't flick an ear back at your or turn its eye and looks at you and you could try flicking the lead rope a little (not flinging it in the horse's face, just wiggling it around). hope this helped a little :D

Jul 14, 2013
reply to maybe.
by: Anonymous

The problem with the reins could also be tied in with the bit. What bit does she use? It could be too strong.

Hope this helps as well:)

Sep 25, 2012
Thank You
by: Anonymous

Thank You!
THinking about it my friend is distracted quite a bit when she rides!

Sep 15, 2012
by: Anonymous

Maybe your friend is also distracted? Make sure that she is totally focused on what she is doing, and does not even focus on the horse being naughty. Make sure that she is not even thinking about the horse being bad. Try to just focus, focus, focus. I am sorry, but I do not have any tips for the reigns, other than maybe she is holding them too tight or loose??

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