Comments for A good plot for a horse story named Blitz?

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Jun 10, 2011
rescued horse
by: just ride

what if emily already has a horse who dies, but then she finds blitz. he's been abused, and emily has to teach him to trust again. you can change my idea around a bit. good luck!

May 19, 2011
by: horseyme

How about:

Emily Woods had a beautiful bay thoroughbred mare named Candy. She rode Candy all the time. But just one accident took Candy away from Emily, making Emily heart-broken. She then buys a wild horse named Mammoth, but he bucked her off one day,which made him be sold.

Emily thinks she'll never find a good horse than can replace Candy, but 4 months after she lost Candy and Mammoth, she finds this horse named Blitz. He was calmer than Mammoth, and faster and stronger than Candy.

She realizes this is her last chance to have a horse of her very own without losing the horse. Will She find out that she should NEVER give up? Will blitz and her get along together?

PLZZZ Pick me!! I though it up by myself.

May 17, 2011
my opinion
by: Shine

What about this. Emily Woods not only owns Blitz but a Arabian named Jess. Emily loved Jess more then Blitz then one day, Jess died(its up to you to write how Jess died if you like this plot) and Emily is heart broken. When she starts again, she finds this in Blitz she never noticed. Then she becomes close to him and they become the best pals!

So, how is it? I would be very happy if you like this plot and used it but its up to you.

Happy writing (and deciding)!

May 16, 2011
by: Jaime

how about his owner doesn't know much about horses, but has ridden and her father buys her a wild stallion from a auction named Blitz? The horse was abused? Hope this helps.

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